December 24, 2007

A Christmas Tradition Continues

Hello everyone,
Rick and I put our creative talents together once again to add a page to our "So this is Christmas" Book! We chose the topic of Noel. Rick wrote the meanings of the word and I wrote a poem. Hope you enjoy and a Very Merry Christmas!
Love, Pat

December 23, 2007

Our little reindeer have gone North

We have had a great week with our Lily & Luke. But as they say, "All good things come to an end," and our sweet little "reindeer" have gone to Idaho Falls for the Christmas vacation. While they were here we went to Mason's birthday party (2 of for kids and one for family) went to the DI and got toys, played at the park and made gifts for each family member. We also attended a school program where Luke and Lily sang and looked adorable. Grandpa spent most of the time "on call" with his work and we will have two FANTASTIC paychecks to buy overhead lighting and a snow blower! We are blessed and are happy to be able to help Sally and Andy while Sally recovers from a broken ankle and surgery to fix it!

December 02, 2007

More Gingerbread fun!

Max and family came over and we made gingerbread was planned before the Shumway disaster s we went ahead and had them stay over night after the Shumway kids left. Now we are a very tired Grandma and Grandpa...but we have made some new memories and that is GREAT in my book...sleep can wait for awhile more while I bring you all up to date with my wonderful family pictures!

Isis in a commercial

Isis is in a commercial advertizing "help a child at Christmas. "
This is really cute because you can hear what his voice sounds like! Click on the following URL which will take you to Nick's website and while you are there take some time to look at his other things too! Enjoy!

Shumfuss Gingerbread Christmas 2007

Sally (daughter) broke her ankle on Thursday afternoon. She fell down the we had the grandchildren (except for baby Nell) sleep over and spend the days with us until Andrew came home from his business trip. While they were here we had great fun. They opened one of their 24 presents and we made gingerbread houses out of graham-crackers. Fun!

November 20, 2007

Find Grandma Pat & Grandpa Rick Contest

Hello all you sweet grandchildren. Here is a new contest. You will have to work as a team for this contest. If you can find Grandma Pat you get $ if you find Grandma Pat & Grandpa Rick you get more $. You can use the money any way you like but I was thinking you could buy a CD that you like to listen to. Only one pile of $ for each family.

Good luck, what color is Grandma Pat's sweatshirt? What kind of shirt is Grandpa Rick wearing? (a polo or a t-shirt?) This contest ends on December 1st so email or call me! I love hearing from you and talking to you on the phone! (Remember you can click the image to see it larger!)

Oh, by the way, we hope you can come to our concert. December 10 @ the Opera Building 7 pm! Love, Grandma

November 19, 2007

I love my beautiful fall colors!

A friend (Kay), Rick, and I drove up to see the fall colors! They were breathtaking! I've always wanted the fall colors in my home and finally found the perfect love seats to go with what I've had for several years. The result it also breathtaking and very cozy! Come for a visit anytime and you will be in perpetual fall inside our house!

November 02, 2007

Luke Shumway's Movie Debut

Luke was in a movie and this is the article in the newspaper telling about. Some friends of a friend suggested him and he was happy to do it!
Go to this link to see the movie.
Then vote for it BEFORE NOV. 9th.

October 29, 2007

Not much happening here

Here is what is happening over in Australia from, Nick's website: (click the link to see a video)

The most powerful feelings I EVER feel are when witnessing a Haka. I cannot possibly even explain the power and energy felt when seeing and hearing a Haka. Deep down I whish I was born in New Zealand so I could have grown up doing this! My dream came tru a while back, while I was asked to star in a church Roadshow production play about an ant who has faith. I got to not only be a dork on stage, but I got to be a part (In a very strange and funny way) of a Haka! and this one was great!

About twice a year Isis and Phoenix go into Princess Margaret Hospital for a sleep study. It takes about a half hour to hook all the sensors, and tape, and wires up. When the process is complete the kids look like little mummies! We always forget to bring our camera to get a good photo of them all taped-up. but luckily the nurses had a polariod (which is why this is such a low quality photo). So here is a picture of cute little Phoenix about to go to sleep! (oh how heart breaking)...

October 25, 2007

2007 Halloween Party

For my Halloween Party this year we went to Hardware Ranch (an elk reserve) and painted pumpkins, shot bow & arrows, took a wagon ride to see the elk. The day started out rainy but cleared off and we had a wonderful time. Here is a picture taken at the mountain man booth!

October 18, 2007


I've had a stressful week and I received this angel from my sister Judy. The words that came with it are: "Worry looks around, Sorry looks back, Faith looks up." I think I'll stop worrying and apply a little more faith and look up.

October 16, 2007

School Photo

Here I am in 2007 as an Special Education Aide. I work 9:15-11:40 in a kindergarten room with 2 little girls who are soooooo sweet. Then I go to lunch (11:40-12:45) and help with the other children from the Special Education Room. The help I give ranges from feeding to encouraging to eat. The children are so fun to be with and a lot less stressful one-on-one than having 2 or 3 in your classroom. I'm even thinking about re-certifying and applying to teach next fall. Some days it looks interesting and other days I'm happy to not have the full classroom load.
Rick likes his job well enough, the overtime pay is great! But sometimes the hours are very long and his feet are very sore. A friends is letting him try a machine that emits electrical impulses at varying strengths and speeds. He thinks it is helping. (This friend cured her neurathpy.)
We love our home and each day it feeling more and more like HOME. The fall weather is beautiful and I really love thisl season. We just got 3 new trees planted in our yard by the City of Logan. They are planted on the strip between the sidewalk and the street. They are Linden trees and I look forward to watching them grow.
Life is good! Hope you all are enjoying the beautiful world we have been blessed with. Have a great day! Love, Pat

October 10, 2007

Fall, Family & Fun!

What a great surprise! Rick and I got to have our cute grandson, Luke, spent 3 nights and 3 days with us last week. We took a short drive into the canyon and I snapped a great photo of them with the fall colors as a background. We had a great time making an arrow head and mounting it on a stick, doing homework, watching a video, reading together, and shooting off a rocket. How wonderful children are and what great joy they bring into our lives!

September 18, 2007

Phoenix get a feeding tube

I got this information off of Nick's web here to see a video of Phoenix

Because of Phoenix's Muscular dystrophy, she has no desire to eat (Much like her brother Isis). Because of her eating poor habits we made the decision to get a stomach peg so we could feed her. This video shows cute and sad little phoenix recovering from her peg operation. You can see how hard of a time she is having breathing. She came out of surgery in a very bad way, and me and Jasmine were quite worried. Her heart rate was in the earky 200's for a few days (Very scary...)

Phoenix has since made a full recovery and she is doing great, today (a few minutes before I posted this video) she just wouldn't stop sayin "UH OH!" (Very cute!)
Related Categories

August 12, 2007

Cache County Fair 2007

On Friday August 10, 2007 Rick and I went to the fair with Sally and her children. Here are a few photos of the children having fun ( Mable loved riding the animal train). We also saw all the animals. (Lily petted just about everyone). We had ate lunch there (Luke really liked the giant carmel corn puffs). Sally had a great time and Rick and I enjoyed the day...especially at the end when we got to sit and rest our feet and play with Nel while they continued riding the rides.

August 10, 2007

Family History Photos

Hi family, I have been looking through my things and found this wonderful sheet of photos of ancestors. I thought if you haven't seen it for awhile you might like to see it again. Mom (Loretta) put it toghether before she and Dad moved to Spokane. Wow! she was an awesome lady to accomplish such a task with a job and 5 children to raise. Thank-you Loretta Jeppesen Baugh for your contributions to the Jeppesen/Spackman Family History.

July 20, 2007

Thank you to all my family and friends!

These are old photographs but I wanted to post them so you could see Isis riding a bike and precious Phoenix. With sincere gratitude and love I give thanks for you contributions to my grandchildren. The $10,000 goal has been met!
WE DID IT, THANKS TO YOU! This last week Jasmine and I both got Influenza A and were hit hard. Of course Isis got the virus too and was admitted to hospital. Because of Isis getting sick with a virus that has killed 4 children here in Perth in the last three weeks, it was more crucial than ever that he get the Cough Assist Machine. Now for the good news. Take this time to pat everyone of yourselves on the back! Thanks to your donations (Friends, Family, Strangers, etc) and the Steve Waugh Foundation here in WA, we walked out of Isis' hospital stay with an Emerson Cough Assist Machine! Because of your UNBELIEVABLE support, we also have plans (and funds enough) to buy a power generator so that Isis and Phoenix's machinery (Cough Assist, Bi-Pap, Humidifier and Kangaroo pumps) will work in the case of a power failure. Isis uses each of these devices on a daily basis, and now Phoenix too uses a Kangaroo pump to aid in keeping her nourished. We have plans to donate any left over funds we might have to The Muscular Dystrophy Association of Western Australia. They have done so much for us. The MDAWA is running their own fundraiser to acquire 25 Cough Assist Machines for children with Muscular Dystrophy here in Western Australia. It is a huge undertaking and we want you all to know that any residual funds will be going to support this worthy cause. We are so grateful and humbled by the generosity of every one of you. We are so touched and appreciate your support, beyond measure. As promised, you will still receive one more special gift from Isis, along with some photos of him using the machine (he is such a good boy already!) We hope to let you visually see some of the results of your gift to us. Once again, we are forever thankful to you. We love you. If you know of anyone who should get this letter, for helping in any way, please pass it on! -Nick, Jasmine, Isis and Phoenix
Dear Pat,
I just wanted to let you know that we have all had Influenza A this week. Isis was, ofcourse, in hospital with it, but he came home with a cough assist! Thanks to our friends and family and the Steve Waugh Foundation, we have been able to get a cough assist, a generator (so that all of the kids machinery works when there is no power) and we have been able to help the Muscular Dystrophy Association with their Cough Assist Campaign too, with the left over funds. We are so greatful and humbled by the generosity of so many. We are so touched and appreciate everyones support, beyond measure. We will be updating the hero website today so that people know we do not need any more donations. Any excess we get between now and the web update will go directly to the muscular dystrophy association. Thanks again for all of your work and support. Jasmine

July 13, 2007

Kyle Butler passed away

Hi Family, In case you are interested Louise's brother Kyle passed away. Click on the image to see it bigger and maybe you can read it. Pat

July 12, 2007

Duck family in our yard!

A little duck family has set up house in the bushes in our front yard and I finally got a picture of one this morning...

Newest news from Nick on the cough assist machine: I'm swamped with emails, so this one will be quick... $4,246.78 AUD Wow, Amazing people (I still have to bank 1,000 (gma & gpa) 500 (sheldon & Bonnie) 500 (Trevor from work) That will be atotal of... $6,246.78 AUD

July 01, 2007

Generous People in the world!

Today @ church I received another $367.00 USD towards the cough assist machine for Isis & Phoenix. This translates into $432.00 AUD. I know there are family who have donated directly to Nick by check or pay pal. I am guessing we are at the $5,000 mark. I say thank-you to each and everyone of you. This experience has really impacted me. There are many loving and generous people in the world. Those in the Logan 7th Ward and my family are among the most generous! Thank-you people of the world for your love and generous natures! For more info check the donation website

June 27, 2007

Donations coming in more still needed

Drawing by Isis color by Nick and Jasmine
to Nick & Jasmine from Pat

Hi , I got to tell our Relief Society about Isis and Phoenix. I don't know everyone in the Ward yet so I was surprised that right after the meeting a sister came up to me and quietly pressed some money in my hand. I didn't know who she was so had to ask someone (she slipped away before I could talk to her) I realized she wanted to remain anonymous...but I found out her name...when I got home I looked at what I thought was a small bill and discovered she had given me a 100 dollar bill. What an awesome experience! People are so generous! How close to $10,000 are you? Love, Mom

to Pat from Jasmine

That is so generous! We are close to $2400 now. Isis was in hospital for three days last week - we really need this machine! His left lung wasn't filling with air because he couldn't remove the mucus plugs by himself (because of his inadequate cough). We caught it early and physio helped a lot. With the cough assist, he wouldn't have needed to go to hospital. Thank you to everyone for being amazingly giving and generous! Jasmine

June 18, 2007

Judy & Pat @ play

We had fun dressing up and taking the photos. I had more fun editing the photos. All were taken in our front yard except the "you dare defy me!" was taken across the street at the church.
Smiling Queens

Queens at rest

You dare defy me?

I forgive

June 16, 2007

A visit from my Sister

Judy has been with me for a week and we have had great fun! I will be sad to have her leave. I love making memories with her!

June 10, 2007

Last look @ 2007 Memorial Day Games

Note that the date stamp on my photos is incorrect...I think I've turned it photo taken will tell

June 09, 2007

Bean Bag Games

Jean and Molly brought some new spirit to the games. We had two great bean bag games we've never had at the games before. FUN! FUN! FUN!

June 07, 2007

Can You Help My Grandchildren?

This is a real person, real disease, and real plea for help. Not only is Isis in need of the cough assist but so is his sister Phoenix. Click on or to find out more.

June 06, 2007

Memorial Days Games-Sports Event

(once again...clik on the photo for a larger view) Sally & Andy were in charge of the sports event...they timed each person as they ran trying to keep the ball between their knees. Lots of fun. Mabel was the cutest to watch. Luke, Sally and Andy had the shortest time and therefore came in 1st place in the event.

June 04, 2007

Memorial Day Art Event

click the photo to view larger format

by the way, Luke got and inverse mohawk hair cut for the games! Awesome!

June 03, 2007

20th Annual Barfuss Memorial Day Games Winners-2007

We had a wonderful day for the games. Lots of fun, family and food. Many thanks to all who participated. My personal favorite event was watching the grandchildren search for and find the treasure!Winners in the kids division
1st Mason, 2nd Luke, 3rd Molly (Holt-Dad & Kayes Grandaughter)

Winners in the adult division

1st Max, 2nd Brigitte & Andy, 3rd Sally & Laura (Andy's sister)

May 22, 2007

Way to go Isis!

Check out Isis and his new glasses. Wow does he look cute! He is looking in his super hero present that Grandma sent to him because he gussed Luke's super heroes correctly! Way to go Isis! (mom Jasmine looks cute too!)

May 20, 2007

Here is a new family photo of my daughter Sally, husband Andy and children. Luke is 6 years old, Lily is 4, Mabel is 3 and Nel is 1 year old. I go swimming with them each Friday afternoon and they are getting to be confident in the water and will soon be real swimmers. I am proud of them.

May 15, 2007

Look who's graduating!

Clint Cornwall is all grown up and graduating from High School. Congratulations Clint, we are proud of you!

May 14, 2007

Name that Super Hero!

These super heroes were drawn by my grandson, Luke Shumway, he is 6 years old. He shared them with me and I love them. Here is a fun game for my Grandchildren. Name corrrectly as many of the super heroes that you can. I will send you a super hero gift. Love, Grandma Pat

May 13, 2007

Start looking at my blog again...I'm back at it!

Hello computer is working and I'm on line again AND I can access my is wonderful (even on this Mother's Day)

Here is a quick tour of our you will be able to tell we are still working on parts of it! Enjoy and let me know what you think? It feels very much like HOME!