These are old photographs but I wanted to post them so you could see Isis riding a bike and precious Phoenix. With sincere gratitude and love I give thanks for you contributions to my grandchildren. The $10,000 goal has been met!
WE DID IT, THANKS TO YOU! This last week Jasmine and I both got Influenza A and were hit hard. Of course Isis got the virus too and was admitted to hospital. Because of Isis getting sick with a virus that has killed 4 children here in Perth in the last three weeks, it was more crucial than ever that he get the Cough Assist Machine. Now for the good news. Take this time to pat everyone of yourselves on the back! Thanks to your donations (Friends, Family, Strangers, etc) and the Steve Waugh Foundation here in WA, we walked out of Isis' hospital stay with an Emerson Cough Assist Machine! Because of your UNBELIEVABLE support, we also have plans (and funds enough) to buy a power generator so that Isis and Phoenix's machinery (Cough Assist, Bi-Pap, Humidifier and Kangaroo pumps) will work in the case of a power failure. Isis uses each of these devices on a daily basis, and now Phoenix too uses a Kangaroo pump to aid in keeping her nourished. We have plans to donate any left over funds we might have to The Muscular Dystrophy Association of Western Australia. They have done so much for us. The MDAWA is running their own fundraiser to acquire 25 Cough Assist Machines for children with Muscular Dystrophy here in Western Australia. It is a huge undertaking and we want you all to know that any residual funds will be going to support this worthy cause. We are so grateful and humbled by the generosity of every one of you. We are so touched and appreciate your support, beyond measure. As promised, you will still receive one more special gift from Isis, along with some photos of him using the machine (he is such a good boy already!) We hope to let you visually see some of the results of your gift to us. Once again, we are forever thankful to you. We love you. If you know of anyone who should get this letter, for helping in any way, please pass it on! -Nick, Jasmine, Isis and Phoenix
Dear Pat,
I just wanted to let you know that we have all had Influenza A this week. Isis was, ofcourse, in hospital with it, but he came home with a cough assist! Thanks to our friends and family and the Steve Waugh Foundation, we have been able to get a cough assist, a generator (so that all of the kids machinery works when there is no power) and we have been able to help the Muscular Dystrophy Association with their Cough Assist Campaign too, with the left over funds. We are so greatful and humbled by the generosity of so many. We are so touched and appreciate everyones support, beyond measure. We will be updating the hero website today so that people know we do not need any more donations. Any excess we get between now and the web update will go directly to the muscular dystrophy association. Thanks again for all of your work and support. Jasmine
Thanks to everyone. In every way! We couldn't have done this without you, and Jaz, Nick, Isis and Phoenix all want to let you know we love you!