June 27, 2007

Donations coming in more still needed

Drawing by Isis color by Nick and Jasmine
to Nick & Jasmine from Pat

Hi , I got to tell our Relief Society about Isis and Phoenix. I don't know everyone in the Ward yet so I was surprised that right after the meeting a sister came up to me and quietly pressed some money in my hand. I didn't know who she was so had to ask someone (she slipped away before I could talk to her) I realized she wanted to remain anonymous...but I found out her name...when I got home I looked at what I thought was a small bill and discovered she had given me a 100 dollar bill. What an awesome experience! People are so generous! How close to $10,000 are you? Love, Mom

to Pat from Jasmine

That is so generous! We are close to $2400 now. Isis was in hospital for three days last week - we really need this machine! His left lung wasn't filling with air because he couldn't remove the mucus plugs by himself (because of his inadequate cough). We caught it early and physio helped a lot. With the cough assist, he wouldn't have needed to go to hospital. Thank you to everyone for being amazingly giving and generous! Jasmine

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