April 23, 2006

Mabel Louise Shumway is 2 years old!

Mable turns 2 on April 24,2006. Her sister Lily says, "She is fun to play with, we play dress-up." Luke, her brother says, "She's kinda noisy." Mom has said she has entered the 2 year old stage a little early. Dad thinks she is cute. Grandpa & Grandma think she is adorable and reminds them of Sally when Sally was a little girl. Take a look at these photos and make your comments about her. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MABEL! (Photos are compliments of Sally and Kiddie Kandids or Brigitte and BNB Photography)

April 22, 2006

What a surprise! What a cutie!

While on my short week-end visit to Omaha I took MUCH "stuff" (that Judy didn't want to keep) to Judy's dumpster, including 3 file cabinets, lots of paper, and a wood cabinet. We cleaned out closets, file cabinets, and packed boxes..took them to the garage, and started a "yard sale spot" & "take to new place spot." We also drove some things over to Heidi's house. While stopping by Heidi & Cory's place I got to see the girls (the boys were at school) and imagine my surprise when Tatum walked out with nothing on but her socks and pacifier. I got a photo of her and she was gracious enough to pose for me. I post it here in a modified way. She looks like Eve (garden of Eden) to me! What a cutie.

April 21, 2006

These are a few of my new birthday things!

I had a very nice birthday. I went out to lunch with my coworkers, received cards and letters from my Children, Grandchildren, Parents, and Friends. Julie Hunsaker gave me a chicken that lays bubble gum eggs, Dad & Kaye sent bread, honey,&cashews.Melissa Bentley gave me a certificate to Border's Bookstore.Ricks parents sent $20.00. Rick gave me polish, cuticle remover, popcorn, Macadamia nuts, shampoo, face cleanser & flowers and took me to a great little German Bakery where I gorged myself on Mediterranean macaroons (made with dates, nuts, and coconut). Thank-you everyone for thinking of me and sharing your love with me. I am so grateful and feel like a Pampered Princess! I love you all.

April 19, 2006

Grandchild # 7 has arrived!

Hi everyone!
Jasmine delivered a healthy mutant-being this afternoon via an elective C-section. The female specimen is quite a looker, and will make a fine addition to the assorted freaks, mutants, and abominable monsters in our fine family! I have included some pictures for you all! I'll be adding some photos of this cute little critter (as of yet un-named)to my website over the coming weeks, so if you want some more information check it out!
I Love and miss you all!
Nick Barfuss

April 13, 2006

Easter Week-end trip...

Hello out there...in case anyone reads this I will be in Omaha Nebraska on April 14, 15, 16, 2006. (Easter Week-end) My sister Judy bought a 1 bedroom apartment and I'm going to help her downsize so she can move on May 1st. It will be a very quick trip but I will see her daughter Heidi and 4 children and both her beautiful place by the Lake and her new place. Wish me luck in getting there and back because I am using my Delta Skymiles and this is the week-end the pilots decide if they are going to strike or not. Talk to you later. (Rick will be home so give him a call so he won't be too lonesome.) Love, Pat

Happy Easter...I hope you feel the love of our Savior and take sometime to renew your acquaintence with Him!

April 10, 2006

Maura @ the Masters!

My co-worker, Maura Jacob, got a special treat! Our office neighbor had someone unable to use his coveted ticket to the Masters Golf Tournament 2006 this last week-end. He came and invited our boss Terry to go but Terry knew how much Maura LOVES golf (and is a darn good golfer herself) so he suggested that Maura go instead. What an awesome guy to give up a ticket that takes years for the ordinary person to get! She had a great time, the weather was perfect and as the photos tell it was a fantastic experience.

April 07, 2006

"Guess where I am?" said Max.

Max called me on Wednesday and said, “ Guess where I am?” Of course I didn’t have any idea so I said, “I don’t have any idea, where?” He told me he was standing in front of the Lincoln Memorial. He said he would like to send me a picture but his camera/phone didn't take a very good one. He sounded happy. What an awesome experience for him! He called late at night so this is what I imagined he was seeing!

(I found the pictures on a google search.) I want to go there someday, when I do it will be such a moving experience I will probably cry.

Thanks Max for sharing your wonderful experience and love with me!

April 06, 2006

Isis is in the news!

Here’s a newspaper article from the local newspaper last week. It’s really a promo for the Therapy Focus group that looks after Isis’ therapy, so it’s very positive in it’s rendition of Isis’ improvements, but mostly true. You know how newspapers are… I thought that fellow family members may want to see. Isis really is doing quite well. He’s just starting to be brave enough to try jumping and his leaning down and reaching things on the floor is improving. Most of all, his confidence in his abilities is improving –he is less frightened of being bowled over by other kids. He stands his ground a little better and has learned to fall on his knees instead of his head, which is great!
Love Jaz

April 03, 2006

Hike from the past.

Another wonder LDS Conference is over! I really enjoyed Russell M. Nelson and Joseph B. Wirthlin this time, they talked about things I needed to hear. After it was over I remembered............Some of my favorite moments in life are hiking with my family!

One way we encouraged our kids to watch Conference (1 session on Saturday and 2 session on Sunday) was to take a hike in between sessions. These are photos I found in Nick's book. I believe they were take in 1985-86. I still enjoy going snowshoeing each winter with the whole family. It is fun to see Andy and Max carrying their children when they are tired. I also love, winter picnics, summer camping, and fall canyon visits to watch the camp fire. Thank-you, Max, Nick and Sally for the wonderful adventures we had together over the years.

April 02, 2006

Pine Pollen Season-ugh!

There is a strange phenomen that lasts for about 2-3 weeks. It is call pine pollen season. Everything outside has a yellow dust allover it! You can't open windows or it gets in your house or car. You MUST wipe your feet before going inside or you get it in the house. And for those suffering from hayfever, runny eyes and sinuses. Here is a picture of our patio after it has rained and washed the pollen into the lower places. What an experience! (yes our patio is painted pinkish peach)