Hello out there...in case anyone reads this I will be in Omaha Nebraska on April 14, 15, 16, 2006. (Easter Week-end) My sister Judy bought a 1 bedroom apartment and I'm going to help her downsize so she can move on May 1st. It will be a very quick trip but I will see her daughter Heidi and 4 children and both her beautiful place by the Lake and her new place. Wish me luck in getting there and back because I am using my Delta Skymiles and this is the week-end the pilots decide if they are going to strike or not. Talk to you later. (Rick will be home so give him a call so he won't be too lonesome.) Love, Pat
Happy Easter...I hope you feel the love of our Savior and take sometime to renew your acquaintence with Him!
Judy sounds like mum. She just sold her house and is moving into a tiny tiny place (two bedrooms) and is redoing the kitchen too! And her goal is the same as judy – to not have to work. She is going to live off the interest she gets from her house money. She will work if she wants but she doesn’t want to be forced to work. She wants to be a full time granma and a free person. We’re having the baby tomorrow on the 19th. Bit nervous about the c-section. Keep having dreams that the baby is a mutant zombie. But hopefully it all works out well. Thanks again for the blanky. Isis loves it and has been stealing it. Cheeky guy.