April 03, 2006

Hike from the past.

Another wonder LDS Conference is over! I really enjoyed Russell M. Nelson and Joseph B. Wirthlin this time, they talked about things I needed to hear. After it was over I remembered............Some of my favorite moments in life are hiking with my family!

One way we encouraged our kids to watch Conference (1 session on Saturday and 2 session on Sunday) was to take a hike in between sessions. These are photos I found in Nick's book. I believe they were take in 1985-86. I still enjoy going snowshoeing each winter with the whole family. It is fun to see Andy and Max carrying their children when they are tired. I also love, winter picnics, summer camping, and fall canyon visits to watch the camp fire. Thank-you, Max, Nick and Sally for the wonderful adventures we had together over the years.

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