January 12, 2018

Fly With Love- January 12

Image result for image of love

For the remaining days of January I'm going to focus on love, instead of jumping around on different ideas. There is much for me to ponder this month.

I listened to D. Todd Christensen's talk "Abide in my love" while walking on my treadmill. I got the impression that love is different than I have previously thought. 

Quote from the talk:
The Bible tells us that “God is love" He is the perfect embodiment of love, and we rely heavily on the constancy and universal reach of that love. As President Thomas S. Monson has expressed: “God’s love is there for you whether or not you feel you deserve love. It is simply always there.”
There are many ways to describe and speak of divine love. One of the terms we hear often today is that God’s love is “unconditional.” While in one sense that is true, the descriptor unconditional appears nowhere in scripture. Rather, His love is described in scripture as “great and wonderful love,” “perfect love,” “redeeming love,” and “everlasting love.” These are better terms because the word unconditional can convey mistaken impressions.

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