January 13, 2018

January 13

Song: God's Daily Care

Image result for sunrise
As I watch the rising sun, when the day has just begun. 
I am thinking of the love that comes daily from above.
Father, turn thine ear to me, let me offer thanks to thee,
For thy wise and tender care of thy children eve-'ry where.

No profound thoughts today. I'm just grateful I woke in a warm bed knowing I had food to eat and clothes to wear. 

Grateful that I didn't have to cook over a campfire like some of my ancestors. Or walk many miles through snow, or heat, or rain then sleep in a wagon or on the ground and repeat it each day for weeks.

Grateful for my parents who raised me to love the gospel, do what I say I will do, be on time, don't be offended "kill them with kindness," and "imitation is the sincerest for on flattery." For living in a beautiful town and letting us become what we wanted to be come. For loving me the best way they knew how. And especially the gift of singing. I love them.

Grateful for my husband, children, and grandchildren. They each add joy to my life. For their love, for their support, for each of them being contributing members of this challenging world. I cherish and love them.

Grateful for the gospel that gives me direction in my life, a place to use my talents and serve, for friends I have acquired by serving with the. Grateful for the Prophet who keeps the church on tract with gospel principles. 

Grateful for the most important person in my life: Jesus Christ, the son of the living god, MY savior, MY friend, MY advocate with the father. For Him providing me forgiveness, for Him providing my eternal life. For His love, and so much more. Oh, how I love Him!

Grateful for this amazing world of flowers, trees, mountains, rivers, lakes, oceans. For sunrises and sunsets, for sun, moon, and stars, for seasons, for all  kinds of weather. For small playful fresh water otters which are my favorite animals and all other animals , insects, birds, and creations of God.

Grateful to be alive to experience all this! My heart wants to fly with love and shout to everyone how blessed I am.

Here is a companion song that is in my mind quite often. click here

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