January 11, 2018

I will bring the light of the gospel into my home- January 11

Image result for image i will bring the light of the gospel into my home

I made a New Year resolution to bring the light of the gospel into my home by:
1.  Greeting the day with a song
2.  Recording my "Tender Mercies" from the Lord
3. Serving others gladly

Today, January 11th, I decided to blog each day of this month and at least post the name of the song I sang before getting out of bed. Hopefully I will also post my thoughts and feelings, tend mercies or service experiences.

Here are the songs for this week prior to today and my song for today.

Jan 7   "I Thank Thee Dear Father"
Jan 8   "Tell Me Dear Lord"
Jan 9   "O, Say What Is Truth"
Jan 10  "The Light Divine"

Today: Jan 11

Click here for a different version of the song and watch the music video.
Related image

 While walking on my treadmill yesterday and listening to David Bednar's 2005 Conference message I got the impression I needed to teach my new CTR Primary class the 10 commandments and have them memorize them. This will go along with lesson #2  "Choosing the right will bring happiness."

Moses 1:39  tells us God's work:
 "For behold, this is my work and my glory—
to bring to pass 
the immortality and eternal life of man." 

D&C 11:20 tells us our work: 
 Behold, this is your work,
 to keep my commandments, yea, 
with all your might, mind and strength.

Today I found a message from L.Tom Perry: "Obedience to the Ten Commandments"  The message is a video found hereIt emphasizes the message that: 
"As children of God, 
we have been given the wonderful gift 
of choice. The truest happiness and peace 
we can have comes by choosing to obey His laws." 
I have found I am the happiest and most peaceful when I keep the commandments. I know my primary children will find the same. If I teach them with love and the spirit.


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