January 29, 2007

85th Birthday

Tonight we celebrated my Dad's 85th Birthday at his home. We had dinner, cake, and played a fun card game. Those who were there are: Dad & Kaye, Rick & Pat, Jean & Molly. Very fun evening with family. (He has no glasses on because he just had cataracts removed from both eyes.)

January 27, 2007

Family Tree

Rick and I spoke in church last week. Our topic was Family History and Temple Service. I guess the Genealogy bug bit me because I can't get this song out of my mind.
I have a family tree.
With branches by the dozen.
I have grandma, I have grandpas,
I have uncles, aunts and cousins.
Anyway I made this and will be doing more with it for you family members. I'll probably add art work and stories for you to read. So send me drawings and anything you'd like for posterity to enjoy in years to come.

January 26, 2007

Vitreous Hemorrhage

My latest news is that my retina is pulling away from the back of the eyewall and has ruptured. I have what is called a vitreous hemorrhage. It is a natural part of the aging process I am told.......so not to worry. I am a little bummed...I love to read and this is a little hard to read around. My sight may improve over time as the blood is absorbed! Right now there is no surgery needed but I'll have to keep a watch out for new "floaters" and "flashes" in the future. If things get worse they can give me a simple "in office laser procedure" if I get a tear in the retina. For now all is fine. Everyone has to have opposition in their lives-this is mine!

January 25, 2007

Display @ Idaho Falls Temple Visitor's Center

It was such a beautiful day today. The sun was shining and there was warmer weather, even the snow was melting. I walked to the visitor's center to see the Polish wood carvings that were on display. Here are a few of my favorites.

January 15, 2007

Very Busy Week-end!

We traveled to Logan, Tremonton, and West Haven this week-end.

In Logan we celebrated Natalie's 5th Birthday and visited Sally's family to see the new kitty they bought for Lily. Max is getting ready for his trip to Australia in February. The Grandchildren are my biggest JOY in life and I feel so fortunate to be able to spend time with 6 of them.

In West Haven we visited with my brother Dan & family for Chase's missionary Homecoming, we had a great time visiting with Melody, whom we haven't seen for a couple of years. She has purchased a home in Salt Lake city and won't be traveling for awhile. Chase is all suntanned and thought we all looked sooooo pale after his time with the Brazilians. He looks wonderful and has a great testimony.

Then we made a stop to see Rick's parents is Tremonton. They seem healthy and happy. They are going on a mystery trip...really...they have a travel agency who makes all the arrangement and they don't know where they are going...sounds fun!

AND I can't believe I forgot to take my camera.

Sally sent me some photos of the kitty so I do have something to post with this blog entry. Thanks Sally! and if anyone got a picture of Chase & family please send it to me to add to this posting.

January 09, 2007

Nick & Isis

I spoke to Nick and Isis on the week-end. Here are photos of me taking their pictures! I love the creative things Nick can do with his web cam. The whole family is doing well and looking forward to Max's visit in February.

January 08, 2007


The highly sought after and much coveted "BEE Award" has been bestowed upon you for doing something exceptional. The person that previously had the award has recognized your contribution to the students and staff of Bonneville High School. You may now display the BEE proudly in your room, but you may keep it for no more than one school week. During that time, please be on the lookout for another deserving teacher. When you notice a teacher doing something exceptional, write his or her name, the reason you are recognizing them, and the date on the attached paper, and hand deliver the bee to them.
You may award the bee to whomever you choose, whenever you choose. If you would like to make the presentation in front of his or her class, you may. You are encouraged to recognize people out of our normal circle of associates and people who you have not been recognized yet. If an administrator comes into your room while you have the BEE you will be awarded with a movie ticket or two. Thank you in advance and CONGRATULATIONS!

Presented to Beverly Reed and Pat Barfuss. You have worked so hard to help our ESL students in the absence of a curriculum. THANK YOU!!!
Cathy Richards

January 01, 2007

The new Year looks bright!

I remember why I love Utah and Idaho. The beautiful sunrises and sunsets! Look at the beautiful shot I got out of our back door tonight. It makes you glad to be alive, doesn't it? What a beatiful world we have to enjoy!