January 30, 2006

Web cam photos

For Christmas Max and Brigitte gave Rick & me a web cam. It is sooooo cool. They call us every Sunday and we get to see and talk to the whole family via the computer.. This week I took a picture of them...here are the photo I took. Now, I'm going to learn to take them with the web cam and there won't be any fuzzy shots or bright spot from the flash. Notice in the lower right of each picture you can see Rick and I. Basically I just want you to see what I see what I see. Modern technological Miracles happen everyday. I am a lot less lonely with seeing the family each week. I am going to make sure both Nick & Sally and their family get a web cam for their birthdays so we can see them too!

January 27, 2006

Be My Valentine!

Hi, Valentines day is coming soon! I will be making this cute bear & filling it with candy to give out to friends who live near. It is my favorite project from my school teaching days.

Below is my message of love to ALL my family and friends who live far away. I really appreciate your love and support and know that you are always there for me when I need you. Thanks!

Here is the pattern if you want to make a special Valentine too! Color, cut & attach to a red plastic cup.

January 23, 2006

Pictures from Luke, Lily, & Mabel

My Shumway Grandchildren really did a great job with their pictures. I love how detailed they are. Thank you Luke, Lily and Mabel...your McDonald coupons are in the mail. Thanks to their Mom for sending them. They look fantastic on my refridgerator.

January 19, 2006

Drawing by Isis...

Big smile, large chest, and sparkling eyes, don't you think I look fantastic? Isis drew a picture of me on January 5th. McDonald's coupons don't work in Perth so he gets a new story about Mr. Spotty. Thanks Isis!

January 15, 2006

Announcing: "Logan's Young Mother of the Year 2005!"

Yes, Sally May Barfuss Shumway has been chosen as "Logan's Young Mother of the Year 2005." This photo was taken by Jasmine Bailey-Barfuss November 2004. Sally has belonged to the American Mothers Organization for about 6 years now. Three people nominated her for Motherly strength, courage and lessons learned while recovering from meningitis. I am proud! You may read an essay she was required to write to compete for the title of "Utah Young Mother of the Year," next:

What I find most fulfilling in family life as a Young Mother
When I focus my attention on my children and my husband, share honest emotions with my family, and direct my energy towards meeting their needs, then I am most fulfilled.
Family meal time is an opportunity time to share thoughts, feelings, and events. With three preschoolers we often have spills and varied distractions. When my attention is focused on what is being said by each individual, my response and attentiveness can encourage fulfillment.
As I keep my heart open and responsive I am able to give love and tenderness when it is most needed. Emotions are changing dramatically and frequently in my house of three small children. Big pouts and alligator tears are our specialty. When I remain calm and empathetic, the drastic mood swings are easily diffused.
With many family activities, motherly responsibilities, and wifely duties, my energy is often strained. My recent recovery from meningitis has taught me the importance of directing energy on things that matter most. The energy spent with my children will last a lifetime.
I am most fulfilled when I direct my energy to meet the needs of my family, share my emotions with them, and focus my full attention on my children and my husband.

January 14, 2006

Old news is good news!

Not much going on this week, both Rick and I have been sick. So here's some old news:
1. The butterfly is made from cloth stuffed into stryo-foam, made by Kaye Baugh and given to me for Christmas. 2. The side of my refrigerator holds my treasures...photographs of my grandkids and artwork they have made...it looks like it needs updating...so kids send me a new drawing and I'll send you a coupon for McDonalds.
3. We had all the trees in our yard trimmed last week...they will look lovely again by 2007...lots more sunshine gets into the house so...
4. We put up mini-blinds in all the window and this is where I read the scriptures everyday since last August when Pres. Hinkley challenges us to read the Book of Mormon by the end of 2005. I've decided to continue and read all the standard works through by end of 2006.

January 09, 2006

I'm looking my age now!

Living here in Georgia has caused me much stress...I feel like I've aged 5 years in less than one. The photos tell it all! Well, I AM a Grandmother of 6 and 3/4! What can I expect? I think being with all my cute grandkids and playing with them was what kept me young. Judy my sister visits her Grandkids at least two times a year and she still looks young. It must be visiting time for me soon. Hope you are all well and happy...I am well and Rick happy sooooooo we are well and happy.

January 03, 2006

Happy New Year!

My hope for the New Year and my resolution is as follows:
Fear less; hope more;
Whine less, breathe more;
Talk less, say more;
Hate less, love more;
And all good things are yours.

January 01, 2006

Christmas Eve & Day

We had a very different Christmas Eve & Day this year. Christmas Eve we were with each other . We played scrabble & make the traditional Christmas page. We were feeling far, far, away from our family so we chose "Far, far away" as our theme. We shared Christmas Day with the Johnson Family & Missionaries. We took a ham and "Yule log". We played the game, "Apples to Apples" and our favorite "Catch Phrase." It was a fun day.

The best part of Christmas is FAMILY! We were able to talk to most of our family by phone. We even got to see Max and his family. They gave us a web-cam and we saw them on our computer and spoke to them too! It was fun to see the grandkids and see their presents. Yes, the best part of Christmas is FAMILY!