Yes, Sally May Barfuss Shumway has been chosen as "Logan's Young Mother of the Year 2005." This photo was taken by Jasmine Bailey-Barfuss November 2004. Sally has belonged to the American Mothers Organization for about 6 years now. Three people nominated her for Motherly strength, courage and lessons learned while recovering from meningitis. I am proud! You may read an essay she was required to write to compete for the title of "Utah Young Mother of the Year," next:
What I find most fulfilling in family life as a Young Mother
When I focus my attention on my children and my husband, share honest emotions with my family, and direct my energy towards meeting their needs, then I am most fulfilled.
Family meal time is an opportunity time to share thoughts, feelings, and events. With three preschoolers we often have spills and varied distractions. When my attention is focused on what is being said by each individual, my response and attentiveness can encourage fulfillment.
As I keep my heart open and responsive I am able to give love and tenderness when it is most needed. Emotions are changing dramatically and frequently in my house of three small children. Big pouts and alligator tears are our specialty. When I remain calm and empathetic, the drastic mood swings are easily diffused.
With many family activities, motherly responsibilities, and wifely duties, my energy is often strained. My recent recovery from meningitis has taught me the importance of directing energy on things that matter most. The energy spent with my children will last a lifetime.
I am most fulfilled when I direct my energy to meet the needs of my family, share my emotions with them, and focus my full attention on my children and my husband.
I'm quite overwhelmed. Sally's honors, and l your technical prowess. It's
I'm glad you are having so much fun.
My newest insanity is organ lessons.
I have to drop out of Writers' Group for 6 weeks, but I made the choice. You
can't do everything, but I try. Lots of love, Marge
You are a beatiful young mother, and I am so proud of you, and the strength you have within you. CONGRATULATIONS.