September 23, 2018

September 24-30 Honest & Humble

Honest:  click here for lyrics and music
Humble:click here for lyrics

Talk: click here for talk
Complete Honesty,Unselfish Humility by Neil L Andersen
Advances in science, medicine, manufacturing, transportation, and communication will continue throughout your lifetime. There will be variety in entertainment and innovation never imagined. These are your days, and it's a beautiful time to be alive.

However, in this time of prosperity and advancement, there are also real challenges. You live in a world that is sometimes divisive and contentious. Information is everywhere, and with it, a host of enticing voices attempts to pull you one way and then another. There is confusion and commotion, with many moving away from God and His commandments and away from the Savior. Think about these U.S. statistics:

Beliefs about God and Jesus     

Believe in God: my generation--81 percent; your generation--64 percent

Believe Jesus is God or the Son of God: my generation--74 percent; your generation--58 percent

Believe in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ: my generation--72 percent; your generation--55 percent

You hear and read on your mobile devices the exact words of those who shot the arrows at Samuel: "It is not reasonable that such a being as a Christ shall come"--or that an angel would deliver the Book of Mormon to the Prophet Joseph.

You hear and read on your mobile devices modern-day Korihors saying or texting, "[You] that are bound down under a foolish and a vain hope, why do ye yoke yourselves with such foolish things?"

Your days are a time of sifting in the Church. It will be very important for your eternal welfare that, as the Apostle Paul said, you are grounded, rooted, established, and settled in spiritual things.

There are great privileges, possibilities, and opportunities in this wonderful time of life. I admire you and respect you for your worthiness and preparations in being here at BYU-Idaho.

Be wise in what you are learning. In today's environment, you need to know how to think, adjust, and mold yourself to a changing world.

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