Words are the soul's ambassadors, who go abroad upon her errands to and fro. --James Howell--
September 23, 2018
September 24-30 Honest & Humble
Honest: click here for lyrics and music
Humble:click here for lyrics
Talk: click here for talk
Complete Honesty,Unselfish Humility by Neil L Andersen
Advances in science, medicine, manufacturing, transportation, and communication will continue throughout your lifetime. There will be variety in entertainment and innovation never imagined. These are your days, and it's a beautiful time to be alive.
However, in this time of prosperity and advancement, there are also real challenges. You live in a world that is sometimes divisive and contentious. Information is everywhere, and with it, a host of enticing voices attempts to pull you one way and then another. There is confusion and commotion, with many moving away from God and His commandments and away from the Savior. Think about these U.S. statistics:
Beliefs about God and Jesus
Believe in God: my generation--81 percent; your generation--64 percent
Believe Jesus is God or the Son of God: my generation--74 percent; your generation--58 percent
Believe in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ: my generation--72 percent; your generation--55 percent
You hear and read on your mobile devices the exact words of those who shot the arrows at Samuel: "It is not reasonable that such a being as a Christ shall come"--or that an angel would deliver the Book of Mormon to the Prophet Joseph.
You hear and read on your mobile devices modern-day Korihors saying or texting, "[You] that are bound down under a foolish and a vain hope, why do ye yoke yourselves with such foolish things?"
Your days are a time of sifting in the Church. It will be very important for your eternal welfare that, as the Apostle Paul said, you are grounded, rooted, established, and settled in spiritual things.
There are great privileges, possibilities, and opportunities in this wonderful time of life. I admire you and respect you for your worthiness and preparations in being here at BYU-Idaho.
Be wise in what you are learning. In today's environment, you need to know how to think, adjust, and mold yourself to a changing world.
September 17, 2018
Sept. 17- 24 The Way To Fulfillment
Talk: by Lawrence E. Corbridge
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.“In him was life; and the life was the light of men.”
He said, “I am Alpha and Omega, Christ the Lord; yea, even I am he, the beginning and the end, the Redeemer of the world.”
He said, “Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.”
He said, “I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.”
He said, “I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”
He said, “I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:
“And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.”
He said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
Jesus Christ is the Way. He is Light and Life, Bread and Water, the Beginning and the End, the Resurrection and the Life, the Savior of the world, the Truth, and the Way.
There is only one way to happiness and fulfillment. He is the Way. Every other way, any other way, whatever other way, is foolishness.
Life is hard, but life is simple. Get on the path and never, ever give up. You never give up. You just keep on going. You don’t quit, and you will make it.

September 09, 2018
September 10-16

Talk: A Loving, Communicating God by Marion D. Hanks click here
But much that happens to us in this life we cannot control; we only respond. Knowing what God has promised can provide the courage and faith we need. We are assured in the scriptures that we may know of a surety that the Lord does visit his people in their afflictions. (See Mosiah 24:13–14.) And that “whosoever shall put their trust in God shall be supported in their trials, and their troubles, and their afflictions, and shall be lifted up at the last day.” (Alma 36:3.)

September 02, 2018

Song: Hymn # 226
Talk: A Successful Life by Lowell M. Snow
"How can you live a successful life?" asked Elder Lowell M. Snow of the Seventy during a campus devotional at BYU-Idaho on June 7.One's definition of success changes over time, he noted. For youth, success might include doing well in school, being popular, becoming independent. As a missionary, success might mean finding, teaching and baptizing investigators. Then as an adult, he said, it is tempting to gauge success according to worldly goods.
"Obviously, success means different things to different people but one thing is clear: for all of us today, those who truly desire to be disciples of Jesus Christ must somehow come to understand and embrace His definition of success for us, which to me seems to be embodied in His words: 'therefore, what manner of men [and women] ought ye to be? Verily I say unto you, even as I am' " (3 Nephi: 27:27).
"How can you live a successful life?" asked Elder Lowell M. Snow of the Seventy during a campus devotional at BYU-Idaho on June 7.
One's definition of success changes over time, he noted. For youth, success might include doing well in school, being popular, becoming independent. As a missionary, success might mean finding, teaching and baptizing investigators. Then as an adult, he said, it is tempting to gauge success according to worldly goods.
"Obviously, success means different things to different people but one thing is clear: for all of us today, those who truly desire to be disciples of Jesus Christ must somehow come to understand and embrace His definition of success for us, which to me seems to be embodied in His words: 'therefore, what manner of men [and women] ought ye to be? Verily I say unto you, even as I am' " (3 Nephi: 27:27).
Some people are content with merely appearing successful, Elder Snow said. He compared this appearance of success to reality television where "lives are often filled with more drama than direction."
"[Virtual success is virtually no success at all — especially in the context of being a disciple of Jesus Christ," Elder Snow counseled.
To be a disciple of Jesus Christ means more than being a spectator, it means being a participant, Elder Snow said. It means to " 'come to Christ' not just 'come to Church.' " Latter-day prophets have counseled that the Church must be in members' lives and the gospel in their hearts. Elder Snow referenced Preach My Gospel: "Our Father's plan for us to be successful in this life and to return to live with Him is called the gospel of Jesus Christ, with Jesus' Atonement at the center of that plan."
To be successful in this life one must follow the example of the Son to return to the presence of the Father.
"It is the level of our commitment to pursue a course that is pleasing to God that determines whether we will be successful in this life," Elder Snow advised.
Elder Snow referred to Moses 7:32-33 and recounted the conversation between Enoch and the Lord. As they viewed the people of the earth, the Lord wept because of their poor choices and what they were becoming. The people had not observed the commandments to love one another and to choose the Lord.
"Our choices reveal our true nature and we will become what our choices reveal us to be … and it is only through choosing Him that we can become like Him."
Elder Snow spoke of Will Hopoate, a Church member and a star in Australian rugby who made a choice to leave professional rugby at the end of the season and serve a mission for the Church. In a press conference, he told the media, "This is who I am and this is what I want to do."
"Those words ought to be part of every important decision you and I make in this life," Elder Snow said.
"In one way or another you and I will inevitably face a decision like Will Hopoate faced a few weeks ago," Elder Snow told students. "Such choices are an essential and inevitable part of God's great plan for us to discover for ourselves whether or not we will choose Him."
When individuals choose to love one another and follow the Lord they will see that these commandments will lead to a successful life, he declared.
"When we choose Him, He asks us to love one another as He loves us," Elder Snow said. "We become like Him by choosing Him and the way He wants us to choose Him is by loving one another."
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