April 25, 2018

To What Are You Tethered? April 23-30

Song: Lord, We Come Before thee Now

Talk:  To What Are You Tethered? Trish Gannaway

Ponder this:
Three Categories of Trust
While habits are tools we use when we make choices, they aren't necessarily the basis for why we do what we do. We have to go a little deeper to see what our decisions are based on, what we trust, and what we have tethered ourselves to. I want to discuss three main categories of opposite sources of trust. Think of which of these opposing ideas you have used as the basis for your choices. What have you tethered yourself to, and, more importantly, what do you need to tether yourself to?

Faith or Doubts
Sacrifice or No Sacrifice
God's Plan or Philosophies of the World

Heavenly Father gave us agency not because He doesn't care, and not because He wants us to choose whatever we want, but because He wants us to be able to prove ourselves while we are away from Him. Our success is His work and His glory. He wants us to trust Him, and, more importantly, we should want Him to trust us. 

Every decision we make either leads us closer to the Savior or away from Him. On which side of that line are your choices putting you? If they are taking you away from the Savior, His gospel, His teachings, and all He represents, I encourage you to start making choices that will bring you closer to Him. Start with the small choices. 

The world would have you think that the most important things to seek after are the enticing, the exciting, and the fun; that your success and happiness depend on what you can do on your own without asking God for help; that there is no need for a Savior or repentance; that families aren't the basis for His plan to help us become who He wants us to be; and that making covenants is restrictive and unnecessary. Those are all lies, and you know none of those things are true. Do not trust things that aren't true. 

When all is said and done, so many things come down to what you trust. What do you need to change in your life to more fully trust God and tether yourself to Him? Trust your faith. Trust making decisions that require some sacrifice. Trust in God's plan. He is the source of truth. He who created the entire universe can be trusted in every decision you make. Tether yourself to Him with heavy-duty carabineers because He is the tandem buddy that your life depends on. "In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." "His way is the path that leads to happiness in this life and eternal life in the world to come."

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