April 30, 2018

Come Follow Me April 30- May 6

Song: Come Follow Me click here

Bible Video clip: Follow Me, and I Will Make You Fishers of Men click here

Talk: “Follow Me” Joseph B. Wirthlin Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles click here

Ponder this: 
Those who, in faith, leave their nets and follow the Savior will experience happiness beyond their ability to comprehend.

Jesus the Christ is “the way, the truth, and the life: no [one] cometh unto the Father, but by [Him].”9 As a special witness of Him, I testify to you this day that the time will come when every man, woman, and child will look into the Savior’s loving eyes. On that day, we will know with a surety the worth of our decision to straightway follow Him.

That each of us may hear the call of the Master and straightway leave our entangling nets and joyfully follow Him is my earnest prayer in the name of Jesus Christ,

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