February 24, 2012

My first pottery

I started a pottery class in January.  Here are my first attempts.
Next firing I will add serving bowls to the collection. 

Red: 2 candy dishes and 2 hot chocolate mugs.

2 mugs a candle holder with candle and a small pitcher


  1. Jasmine Bailey-BarfussFriday, 24 February, 2012

    WHAT??!?! Get outa TOWN! They are AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is there a class Isis can do with you in the summer?!

  2. Wow, Pat!

    That is beautiful work. You are truly gifted. You need to keep going with it.


  3. Whoo-hoo! Let me know when you're taking orders.

    I love pottery! You must have the knack!

  4. Good work, Pat. Some of them look like my first (and last) efforts too.

  5. I hadn't seen your pottery when I wrote the previous note. I am VERY impressed. I tried it years ago and didn't make anything near as lovely. Congratulations! xoxo m

  6. Cool! I love homemade pottery! Yours is awesome! Good Job!

    Sally Shumway

  7. Goodness Pat is there anything you can't do?!

    Beautiful work!!


  8. So happy that you are learning and having fun. Keep it up!

  9. those look great and i am excited for you! that is one of the many things i would like to do. Are you taking the class at the University of somewhere in town? I look forward to seeing more of you stuff. Have fun!

    i don't know if mom told you but I broke my leg on the night of the 12th, and got recasted last friday. I will have my new cast on for another 4 1/2 weeks, then they'll take it off and I get either a walking cast or a boot depending on xrays at the time. This is definately a problem since it has really jacked me up! I still have to get the christmas stuff put away and still need to finish sorting and repacking the stuff we brought up from the flood now that we've heard the the insurance company isn't going to do anything. Bad timing!!!!!!!!!

    I hope things are going well for all of you adn the kids. take care!!!!!

  10. those look great and i am excited for you! that is one of the many things i would like to do. Are you taking the class at the University of somewhere in town? I look forward to seeing more of you stuff. Have fun!

    i don't know if mom told you but I broke my leg on the night of the 12th, and got recasted last friday. I will have my new cast on for another 4 1/2 weeks, then they'll take it off and I get either a walking cast or a boot depending on xrays at the time. This is definately a problem since it has really jacked me up! I still have to get the christmas stuff put away and still need to finish sorting and repacking the stuff we brought up from the flood now that we've heard the the insurance company isn't going to do anything. Bad timing!!!!!!!!!

    I hope things are going well for all of you adn the kids. take care!!!!!
