February 27, 2012

Holy Cow - speed read the Book of Mormon

I've often wished I had a way to read the scriptures faster...today while studying for my Primary lesson I stumbled on a way! Check out this youtube video...I can read this fast, can you!

February 24, 2012

Cancun 2012

We went to Cancun Feb 13-20 with Max, Brigitte, Mason, Natalie and Brent (Brigitte's dad) Here are some photos we took. We snorkeled, grandpas and grand kids went para sailing, snorkeled down an underground river, attended a fabulous Mayan show, went to Mayan ruins (Tulum) saw giant sea turtles (and other wildlife from the area) rode on a catamaran, suntanned on the beautiful white sand beach, and more. It was very busy and Rick came home tired. Luckily he has had two very easy days at work and has recovered. Mason wanted to stay forever and had a plan to leave on our all inclusive bracelets (so we could eat whenever we wanted) and sleep on the beach. Natalie is at a gymnastics meet, Max is back at work and I'm here making this blog. xoxo Pat

My first pottery

I started a pottery class in January.  Here are my first attempts.
Next firing I will add serving bowls to the collection. 

Red: 2 candy dishes and 2 hot chocolate mugs.

2 mugs a candle holder with candle and a small pitcher

February 07, 2012

3rd set - Quintuplets

Quilts, that is, not kids.

I find it amazing that the material I find @ DI comes in waves of the same colors. 
This time it was blue and yellow!