January 06, 2012

New Grandchildren Photos

Here are new photos from family:
Samuel George Shumway is an outfit we took him on News Years Eve.

Phoenix pretending to be asleep on the quilt I made her for Christmas.

Isis snuggled up in a quilt I made for Christmas


  1. hey will cherish those guilt's all there lives. Zach and Trevie love the ones I made them. They are just lap size for adults. When they come over they get their guilt's and rap themselves in them. It is so sweet. I know that you are enjoying them so much. Wow, Isis and Phoenix have grown. Love that little chubby guy, he looks so comfy and happy. Hope you have a great new year. love ya

  2. You are definitely the quilt-makinest person I know. Way to go!

  3. Jasmine Bailey-BarfussSaturday, 07 January, 2012

    You are the quilt making QUEEN!!!!

  4. Pat...my grandsons pretented to be sleeping on quilts that I made for them a few years ago too...fun, isn't it! Judy
