January 25, 2012

I joined DUP

Tuesday January 25th I filled out the forms to belong to the 'Daughters of the Utah Pioneers'. I knew I had relatives that qualified me to belong but I didn't know any particulars about any of them. I started "googling" some names and found much about the Spackman line. This photo is of my grandparent's (Fredrick Hansen Jeppesen and LaVira Spackman) grave stone.

My mother and grandmother got my basic book of remembrance done and I haven't done much with it since a girl.  I am now motivated to do some further research and to organize what I have a bit better.

January 21, 2012

Quilts with flowers

This is my second set of six quilts in 2012, that makes 12 in all.

January 15, 2012

Dragonstar by my son Nick

This piece is called "Dragonstar."
Nick doesn't ever explain his art but leaves it to interpretation.  What do you think?
To me it is a dragon that has captured a lady in a crystal...will he eat her or not is the question.  Or perhaps  he has fallen in love with her, who knows? (I'm glad he has her hair partially cover her up.)


Family, please watch the following video then share it with your children because...

1. You parents have greater challenges raising your children than I did.  You  also have access to more helps in teaching your children. 

2. It is a video I wish I would have had to teach my children about chastity.

3. Your children will know they need to set their own moral standards. If they set their standards high and keep them they will be happier.

4. I want what is best for my grandchildren, just as I wanted the best for my children.

5. Because I love you all.

January 13, 2012

HERE IS A BLAST FROM THE PAST! My brother, Dan, was on the school newpaper staff. (the second person on the left in the back row.) This photo ran in Sandpoint Bee Newspaper January 7, 2012.

click the link to read what it said.

January 07, 2012

Nephi follows his father, the Prophet

I made some unique clothes pin & fabric dolls of the family of Lehi.  I used a rock and material for the fire.  I'll tell the story of Lehi and his vision of the destruction of Jerusalem.  Then tell about Laman and Lemuel murmuring and Nephi praying to know what his father saw. 

 As the introductory attention-getter I will have them do a worksheet, I made, about what they will take if they were going on a journey today. It should be a good lesson if I remember to tell the story correctly.
I'm on a creative spree and hope it will continue.  It snowed in Logan finally...only 4 inches but that's better than none. 

If you are not familiar with this Book of Mormon story check out this video or read 1 Nephi 1-2.

January 06, 2012

New Grandchildren Photos

Here are new photos from family:
Samuel George Shumway is an outfit we took him on News Years Eve.

Phoenix pretending to be asleep on the quilt I made her for Christmas.

Isis snuggled up in a quilt I made for Christmas

More quilts in 2112

Here are the first 6 quilts I've made in January. Also, a close-up of a flower detail on the 7th quilt. I'm having so much fun! I love making and giving these away! (Oh, the reason I make them in sets of six is that I buy a roll of quilt batting and it is enough for six quilts.)