March 03, 2011

We made Rick cry!

Rick and I got home from a concert (The 5 Browns) I took him to for his birthday.  I forgot to tell family we would be gone, so they dropped by and left their candy bars and sentences for his birthday card. I'm sorry I forgot.

I had Rick open his present (hand made belt by my dad, Jim) and read the cards he received (Penny, Chris, Sheldon, his parents Keith & Cleo) in the mail and pictures from grandchildren. I finished up his candy bar card.

Then he read the candy bar card.  When he got part way through he started to cry and I had to read the rest to him.  Boy, was he happy and said he never felt soooo loved before.  Success!

Card Sentences:
1.  Hi "big hunk" I love you "now and later" and forever.---Pat
2.  You make us "snicker" when you say, Oh crap.---Nick & family
3.  No "twix" we wish you "joy" and happiness today and everyday.---Dad & Kaye
4.  Have "dots" of fun on you birthday. You are "mounds" of fun. We love you.---Max & family
5. "Look' how much I love you.---Paul
6.  If your feet hurt, just "take 5" and know I love you.---Sally
7.  I eat you up like a "butterfinger".---Luke
8.  You are as cute as a "dove".---Lily
9.  "York" our favorite Grandpa.---Andy
10.  My "tootsie roll"'s to you because I love you.---Nell
11.  If you need a "fast break" come and get a hug.---Mabel

Thank you everyone for your love and heartfelt wishes! I can't believe that we didn't have any duplicates on candy bars without talking to each other about it.

The card that touched off the crying was from Luke.  It was a rainbow with a person under it not a pot of gold.  It said, There is something better than gold under this rainbow, YOU!!!!

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