March 20, 2011

My Daughter Sally had her baby on Monday March 14,2011

( e-mail message from Andrew)

Hi Everyone,
Samuel Andrew Shumway was born on Monday March 14th at 8:21 am. 8 lbs. and 21.75 inches long.
We are all doing great and enjoying our new little one. The birth was fantastic and little Samuel is welcomed and loved by all his siblings.
Luke and Mabel were at school when he was born which is why they are not in the group photo. But when they came home from school they were very excited!
Lillian, Nell, and Paul were happy to share in the moment with us.
The Labor was quick and easy
We had a lot of help from family and it was a great day!
I got to be there at home with her. I kept the kids entertained while she and Andy did all the work. Afterwards I was the one who made the food to nourish everyone and help with the clean up. The I went back on Friday because Mable came home from school with head lice she got from someone in her class. Again I made the food to nourish and did the washing but Andrew did the de-liceing because he has no hair to pick up the lice.
Best part was I got to hold Samuel for a whole hour while Sally slept.


March 03, 2011

We made Rick cry!

Rick and I got home from a concert (The 5 Browns) I took him to for his birthday.  I forgot to tell family we would be gone, so they dropped by and left their candy bars and sentences for his birthday card. I'm sorry I forgot.

I had Rick open his present (hand made belt by my dad, Jim) and read the cards he received (Penny, Chris, Sheldon, his parents Keith & Cleo) in the mail and pictures from grandchildren. I finished up his candy bar card.

Then he read the candy bar card.  When he got part way through he started to cry and I had to read the rest to him.  Boy, was he happy and said he never felt soooo loved before.  Success!

Card Sentences:
1.  Hi "big hunk" I love you "now and later" and forever.---Pat
2.  You make us "snicker" when you say, Oh crap.---Nick & family
3.  No "twix" we wish you "joy" and happiness today and everyday.---Dad & Kaye
4.  Have "dots" of fun on you birthday. You are "mounds" of fun. We love you.---Max & family
5. "Look' how much I love you.---Paul
6.  If your feet hurt, just "take 5" and know I love you.---Sally
7.  I eat you up like a "butterfinger".---Luke
8.  You are as cute as a "dove".---Lily
9.  "York" our favorite Grandpa.---Andy
10.  My "tootsie roll"'s to you because I love you.---Nell
11.  If you need a "fast break" come and get a hug.---Mabel

Thank you everyone for your love and heartfelt wishes! I can't believe that we didn't have any duplicates on candy bars without talking to each other about it.

The card that touched off the crying was from Luke.  It was a rainbow with a person under it not a pot of gold.  It said, There is something better than gold under this rainbow, YOU!!!!