September 14, 2009

September 08, 2009

Preston, England Temple

While in Scotland several of wanted to go to England. We wanted to see if there was much difference between the places. So we took a train down to Preston (the suburb it was at is called Chorley) and attended the Temple. Two of us did endowments and 4 did baptisms for the dead. It was one of the most beautiful Temples I've seen. The Celestial room had one whole wall in windows with yellow inlaid glass. When I walked into the Temple I felt, "at home." And when I walked into the Celestial room I felt how I imagined Joseph Smith saw Christ and Heavenly Father. It was so bright it was almost blinding! I LOVED IT!

September 06, 2009

Church Art Contest-"Remembering the Great The of God"

Rick had the week off Aug 31-Sept 4. We went to the Ogden Temple with Dan and Tami Baugh then out to dinner on Tues. On Thurs. we went to Salt Lake to view the Church's Art Contest display. I was are some of the photos I was able to take!

September 05, 2009

Beautiful Logan Sky

Of all the beautiful place I saw in Scotland this summer there was no more beautiful sunsets than here in Logan, Utah. I am so blessed to live here!

Princess Phoenix

Fifi can now stand by herself and walk 3 steps! Great progress for her! Yeah!

Luk'e 9th B-day Party Aug. 29th

I didn't forget to take photos at the party so here are a few! We plays lots of fun games and had an R2D2 cake! Thanks Sally, you are a great party planner and Mom.

Grandma's Pamper Party & Water Party-Aug. 20 & 21

The week before school started I had two Parties. One for girls and one for boys. Sally's children were sick so after both parties I took it over to her house and had a party for the grandchildren there. Rick had the week off and so he was able to attend too!
The Girl's Pamper Party was bling!
They each got to pick and keep their fingernail polish color. They had a manicure. We then made rings out of purchased ring bases (web site where I got them: and buttons. The photo tells how much fun they had.

The Boy's Water Party was wet!
First we did the limbo under the water from a hose and had a tug-of-war over a sprinkler. We filled water balloons at home then went to the park and used a huge sling shot to see how far we could send them. Next we shot off water rockets. At the end we had pizza for lunch. (I for got to take pictures except when we we home and I only got one of the kids getting Grandpa wet!)