July 19, 2009


Hello family,

This is a contest for anyone who want to participate but mostly for the grandchildren. Look at the photo and write me an email...I you do I will bring you back somethong from Scotland.

This morning I got to seen in to 8:00 am. then went on an adventure by mysef. The town ia small with about 6 streets built on a hill side. The warf is busy with lobster fishing. The yards are beautiful so I took a photo (naturally) and include it here.

Then went all got together to attend church. We attended the Methodist church here in Stromness. They had special visitors who participated by singing, violin, or trombone. The minister was a landy and she told the story of feeding the 5,000 by acting as Peter's wife. She said she had a letter from Peter and then read to us what he had said. She made it very relevant to the area we are living in and added lots of laughs.

Then we took off for more photo taking to see the birds, lighthouse, and amazing cliffs. Wonderful day. Now we are getting ready to eat dinner. Love to all...I am counting the short number of days before I leave this dream vacation....but it will be great to see all the family again. xoxox Pat

July 18, 2009

Living in Stromness

I'm now in Stromness for 1 week...today we saw the Ring of Brodghar- which is 30 standing stones from the year 2000-3000 BC. They sit right next to the sea. There was a lovely field of yellow flowers near it. And it was raining! Well I'm off to bed- oh I have 3 roommates and we sleep on bunk beds. xoxo Pat

July 12, 2009

Church at Montrose, Scotland

We went to church today. We arrived just before the sacrament (had a hard time finding the building) so we had the bread in the hall and moved into the chapel for the water. There we 13 of us and about 30 of them. We stayed and chatted for a bit and then came home. Here is a photo from a previous day we went and took photos.

Our days usually start at 8:00 am and we drive to our shooting locations and arrive home about 6:00 pm then if we are lucky we can work on our photographs and if not we go to a new location and start taking photos again. In my spare time I read or update my blog. I am happy and relaxed. But now need to start on my Art History paper due before we leave.

I spoke to Rick and he sent me photos of our new front porch and beginning of our new garage...I include them here as well. Love and kisses. Pat

July 09, 2009

More Scotland photos

Small fishing village, Montrose, low tide

Harbor @ Dundee, Scotland

bathroom hall @ Gallery of Modern Art-Edinbrough

9 mile hike to Loch Brandy

Sterling Castle

July 06, 2009

Hightland Games @ Cupar

We spent all day Sunday at the highland games. Our first really big downpour arrived...they moved the dancers into a gym so we followed them after about 1 hour the rain stopped and we had a lovely day watching the "BIG MEN THROW THE CABER" We all had a great time. Then in the evening we had to show 20 photos for critique...some of mine were good others not so good, but a learning experience none the less.

July 03, 2009

Loch Brandy, Sterling Castle, & Cliffs at Arbroath

We took an all day hike to the beautiful lake in the Highlands...lots of heather growing. We spent time at a very gorgeous cliffs at Arbroath Harbor on the north sea! We even soaked our feet!

Sterling Castle was soooooooo awesome they even had a mock "storming the castle" by the tourist children dressed in costumes.