October 29, 2007

Not much happening here

Here is what is happening over in Australia from, Nick's website: (click the link to see a video)

The most powerful feelings I EVER feel are when witnessing a Haka. I cannot possibly even explain the power and energy felt when seeing and hearing a Haka. Deep down I whish I was born in New Zealand so I could have grown up doing this! My dream came tru a while back, while I was asked to star in a church Roadshow production play about an ant who has faith. I got to not only be a dork on stage, but I got to be a part (In a very strange and funny way) of a Haka! and this one was great!

About twice a year Isis and Phoenix go into Princess Margaret Hospital for a sleep study. It takes about a half hour to hook all the sensors, and tape, and wires up. When the process is complete the kids look like little mummies! We always forget to bring our camera to get a good photo of them all taped-up. but luckily the nurses had a polariod (which is why this is such a low quality photo). So here is a picture of cute little Phoenix about to go to sleep! (oh how heart breaking)...

October 25, 2007

2007 Halloween Party

For my Halloween Party this year we went to Hardware Ranch (an elk reserve) and painted pumpkins, shot bow & arrows, took a wagon ride to see the elk. The day started out rainy but cleared off and we had a wonderful time. Here is a picture taken at the mountain man booth!

October 18, 2007


I've had a stressful week and I received this angel from my sister Judy. The words that came with it are: "Worry looks around, Sorry looks back, Faith looks up." I think I'll stop worrying and apply a little more faith and look up.

October 16, 2007

School Photo

Here I am in 2007 as an Special Education Aide. I work 9:15-11:40 in a kindergarten room with 2 little girls who are soooooo sweet. Then I go to lunch (11:40-12:45) and help with the other children from the Special Education Room. The help I give ranges from feeding to encouraging to eat. The children are so fun to be with and a lot less stressful one-on-one than having 2 or 3 in your classroom. I'm even thinking about re-certifying and applying to teach next fall. Some days it looks interesting and other days I'm happy to not have the full classroom load.
Rick likes his job well enough, the overtime pay is great! But sometimes the hours are very long and his feet are very sore. A friends is letting him try a machine that emits electrical impulses at varying strengths and speeds. He thinks it is helping. (This friend cured her neurathpy.)
We love our home and each day it feeling more and more like HOME. The fall weather is beautiful and I really love thisl season. We just got 3 new trees planted in our yard by the City of Logan. They are planted on the strip between the sidewalk and the street. They are Linden trees and I look forward to watching them grow.
Life is good! Hope you all are enjoying the beautiful world we have been blessed with. Have a great day! Love, Pat

October 10, 2007

Fall, Family & Fun!

What a great surprise! Rick and I got to have our cute grandson, Luke, spent 3 nights and 3 days with us last week. We took a short drive into the canyon and I snapped a great photo of them with the fall colors as a background. We had a great time making an arrow head and mounting it on a stick, doing homework, watching a video, reading together, and shooting off a rocket. How wonderful children are and what great joy they bring into our lives!