July 29, 2006

Rick changes jobs after 19 years

Rick has worked for Ikon Office Systems (formerly know as Associated Business Products) for 2 months shy of 19 years. He was a filed copier repair technician for 17 years and for the last 19 months as a call center technician. This photo is of the friends he made while working in the Call Center in Norcross, Georgia. Rick's last day was yesterday and he was very sad to leave a great job and new friends. Today he told me of the friend he will miss most, Greg Phillpots. They both have been truck drivers, like to fly, like to fix things and much more. Greg is originally from Australia. We discussed changing our minds and staying here but felt that we are more comfortable in a cooler climate and really want to be near our families. The "big city" life is not for us nor is the freeway driving and lots of traffic. Rick especially feels isolated and I am mostly homesick. Rick however, did very well being a city driver. He could drive to almost anywhere after looking at a map or driving there only one time.

Rick left today for Idaho Falls, Idaho and a new job with Yost Business Systems. He will be driving across the USA by himself, so family & friend keep him in your prayers. I will miss him terribly, he has spoiled me so much for so many years I'm not sure I will do very well without him here with me. Thank goodness for our Ward family who are willing to help in anyway.

July 26, 2006

May 29. 2006--Adams Park--Logan, Utah

We had this photo take just before the 19th Annual Barfuss Memorial Day Games. We missed having Nick & family, Brevan & family, Judy & guest, Dad & Kaye but were so happy to be "home." Rick hadn't been home in over 1 year & 5 months. We had so much fun and enjoyed seeing our family that it prompted Rick to get a job back in the West so we could be with them for the important events in their lives. Sorry it took so long to post this put Brigitte took over 70 photos and that was a lot to sort through. We are hoping that Nick & Jasmine can "morph" their family into the photo too! I will post a new updated view if that takes place.

Standing: Lily Shumway, Natalie Barfuss, Mabel Shumway, Luke Shumway, Mason Barfuss
Sitting: Andy & Sally Shumway, Rick & Pat Barfuss, Max & Brigitte Barfuss

July 25, 2006

MagnaGuard Isis

On August 2 Isis turns 5 years old and he will be celebrating as a Star Wars character. I spoke to him on the phone and out of the blue he asked me to make him a costume of a MagnaGuard Robot. This was a challenge I wanted to take on. So with material, paint, sewing machine and a little creativity here is what he will look like! Before I made the cape I thought the robot looked more like a biker/cowboy/knight...but with the cape (and a little imagination) he really does look like MagnaGuard, don't you think?

July 13, 2006

Temporary Job

Hi! I have a temporary (unpaid) job for the next few weeks. I started today. I will be tutoring 2 boys to help them get ready for 2nd grade. Zach is reviewing this math skills, especially subtraction) and Calvin is improving his handwriting. Both boys are very adorable(as the photos show) and I really like helping them. Their mothers are just as excited as I am but the kids think I work them too hard! (Nothing new there!)

July 11, 2006

Rick & Pat's 21st Wedding Anniversary

We celebrated our 21st Anniversary by going to the Atlanta Braves vs the Cincinnati Reds on Saturday July 8th @ turner Field.

My former boss, Terry Dempsey, gave us the tickets way back in February and I was able to keep them as a surprise right up until the day before the game. We had front row Valet parking just steps from the field and seats right next to the dougout AND on the front row! Rick was in heaven. We were so happy that Atlanta won 4 to 1. The weather was 78 degrees and very low humidity. A perfect day at the ballgame. (Can you believe I left my camera at home? Here is a photo I got off the internet, to give you a feel for our special 21 years together celebration!)

July 09, 2006

Venice, Italy

I got an email and some really great photos from Melody Baugh. Here is her email and one photo.
Hello Everyone,
Okay, I'm not IN these photos, a friend took them. But they are of probably my favorite destination we hit--Venice. Just sending them along for fun. If this works I'll try to get a few more. Hope you are all happy and well.
xo Mel
Nick (my son) went there several years ago...Does this look familiar Nick? Melody forgot to say what it is a picture of does anyone know? It sounds like she enjoys traveling as much as my sister Judy. They both seem at home wherever they go! What a wonderful trait they both have.

July 04, 2006

Independence Day Traditions.

When I was a young girl we celebrated the 4th Of July by attending a small hometown parade, a carnival at the Farmington School, fireworks at the War Memorial Baseball field, and street dances, downtown, two nights in a row.

When I was a mother we celebrated by attending a small hometown parade, a program & fireworks at the college stadium, and either a picnic or time at the Hyrum beach with a boat.

As a grandma in Utah I hadn't establish any 4 th of July traditions ( my traditions were Halloween, Memorial Day, and Christmas)...but we still went to the parade, attended a patriotic program that Rick was singing at, and went to the fireworks in either Logan or Idaho Falls with my Dad.

This year in Georgia we went to the Stone Mountain Park laser Show. It was HOT even at 10:30 when the festivities ended. I am looking forward to cool evening in Idaho Falls. The show was great and everyone there CHEERED and clapped when the music changed from country to patriotic.

I love this free land I live in and the many opportunities I have because of this freedom!