Rick has worked for Ikon Office Systems (formerly know as Associated Business Products) for 2 months shy of 19 years. He was a filed copier repair technician for 17 years and for the last 19 months as a call center technician. This photo is of the friends he made while working in the Call Center in Norcross, Georgia. Rick's last day was yesterday and he was very sad to leave a great job and new friends. Today he told me of the friend he will miss most, Greg Phillpots. They both have been truck drivers, like to fly, like to fix things and much more. Greg is originally from Australia. We discussed changing our minds and staying here but felt that we are more comfortable in a cooler climate and really want to be near our families. The "big city" life is not for us nor is the freeway driving and lots of traffic. Rick especially feels isolated and I am mostly homesick. Rick however, did very well being a city driver. He could drive to almost anywhere after looking at a map or driving there only one time.
Rick left today for Idaho Falls, Idaho and a new job with Yost Business Systems. He will be driving across the USA by himself, so family & friend keep him in your prayers. I will miss him terribly, he has spoiled me so much for so many years I'm not sure I will do very well without him here with me. Thank goodness for our Ward family who are willing to help in anyway.