September 29, 2005

My cute granddaughters!

All three of my "Little princesses" love to dance and wear dress-ups! Often you can see them as Snow White, Cinderella, or as a Fairy Princess. I can hardly wait to see how the will look for Halloween 2005. This picture is me just playing around with my Photo Program. As you can see I am an amateur. But aren't they cute?

September 28, 2005

Mason finally has a pet!

Hi everyone, The last time I called Max's and spoke with Mason he told me he finally had a pet! It is a cockatiel named "Kitty" of all things, and she is a female. Mason explained how Kitty can ride on his shoulder and sit on his finger. Mason is soooooo happy. He laughed and laughed when he told me that he put Kitty on the table while he and Natalie were eating breakfast. Kitty walked over and pooped on Natalie's napkin and then got up on the edge of Mason's cereal bowl and pooped his his cereal. Mason just laughed and laughed and so did I. What a silly Kitty and what a silly Mason. Here is a photo of Mason taken in July by Brigitte and in September I have added a cockatiel from the internet. Hey, Mason & Brigitte is this what Kitty looks like. Thanks, Daddy Max for buying the pet and making Mason so happy. And yes, Natalie is happy too!

Hello from the Bowman's

Pat and Rick,

Hope all is well with you in Atlanta. We just wanted to thank Rick once again for taking in our caravan and feeding us dinner on our trip through Atlanta. We really did enjoy our visit and it was great to be able to see your home. Rick fired up the grill even with the rain, and fixed us a great chocolate cake.

Well we knew we wouldn't be back on the east coast so we wanted to make a stop to say hi. We miss having you around and the kids still talk about the time Rick took us to the drag races.

All is well with us. We got back to Logan and was hoping to catch up with you Pat before you had to leave, however we didn't get the chance.

Since returning we have the kids in school and have still been working on our lawn. We were all stressing out about getting a lawn in this summer. Now we are just taking our time and putting it in the way we will like it and not just rushing it. We got all our fence posts in last week and will be putting in around 500' of edging, similar to curbing but it is burried to prevent the grass from rooting under it.

We took the kids to Lagoon last week for Ashley and Whitney's birthday. While there we decided try the Sky Coaster where they drop you 150' from a bungie. That was quiet an adrenaline rush.

Justin received the priesthood in June and we will be going to the priesthood session of conference this Saturday.

Hope all is well with the both of you.

Love the Bowmans

September 21, 2005

My amazing grandson, Luke!

I telephoned Logan today and spoke to Sally and her children. She is spending time each day for "school". Today Lily could identify 6 different letters, when show them, Mable could say apple when shown a picture of one and she could tell me what a kitty says and a doggy says. But Luke, what an amazing little boy. Sally has taught him the notes on the piano. She can write several notes in a line and he can play anything she writes. Both on the temble clef and the bass clef. He played for me while I listened on the speaker phone. He has also written a song about dolfins. Luke is just five years old and can add and subtract in his head and can read just about anything. Sally writes a sentence on a piece of paper and Luke reads it then illustrates it. Yes, Grandma is proud of her Grandchildren! Well, I'd betteer say good-bye, I am writing this on work time!

September 18, 2005

Today is my sister Judy's Birthday! Isn't she cute for a grandma?
Also, today I taught the Relief Society Lesson on "The Courage to Live Righteously." I used Max as an example: When he was working as a server at Sizzler he reported ALL of his when it came time for the auditors and IRS to see if things were okay Max felt peaceful. Of course he never got a paycheck because he was honest in reporting his tips! Here is a cute picture Max and Mason when they came to visit in June. Mason looks so like his dad when Max was 5, like father like son the photo shows. I hope Mason can pick up Max's honestly trait too! He probably will because his parents are great teachers.

September 14, 2005

Wow! Of all the wonderful things I have been a part of in my life, I NEVER thought I would have my picture in a magazine....well, maybe as a Teacher, Red Cross Worker, or Poet....but never in my wildest imagine as a Magazine Subscription Manager. I was introduced in the latest issue of Professional Deck Builder Magazine as you can see in the attachment! I truly am blessed with many interesting activities in my life. I hope you find it interesting to!

September 13, 2005

Welcome to my new way of communicating!

Hello, everyone. I have been working on this and hope you enjoy reading about me & mine. I hope to add something each week, so you can know what is going on with me and my family. Please feel free to add comments and send me your website if you want me to create a link for you. Here are some pictures that my daughter-in-law, Brigitte (Max's wife) is displaying in Logan. They are 16x 14 prints (I believe that is what she told me). Rick and I are doing well, healthy and happy. We miss our Grandchildren and spending time with all our family, but we have made friends and like the warm climate. Hope you are well and happy too!