I telephoned Logan today and spoke to Sally and her children. She is spending time each day for "school". Today Lily could identify 6 different letters, when show them, Mable could say apple when shown a picture of one and she could tell me what a kitty says and a doggy says. But Luke, what an amazing little boy. Sally has taught him the notes on the piano. She can write several notes in a line and he can play anything she writes. Both on the temble clef and the bass clef. He played for me while I listened on the speaker phone. He has also written a song about dolfins. Luke is just five years old and can add and subtract in his head and can read just about anything. Sally writes a sentence on a piece of paper and Luke reads it then illustrates it. Yes, Grandma is proud of her Grandchildren! Well, I'd betteer say good-bye, I am writing this on work time!
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