December 26, 2018

The Gift of Pain

This is my last entry on my 2018 resolution! Some days were more gospel oriented than others. But I can say that I still love the Savior and want to be the best person I can and influence  y family.

{My New Year resolution was to bring the light of the gospel into my home by:
1.  Greeting the day with a song
2.  Recording my "Tender Mercies" from the Lord
3. Serving others gladly
Today, January 11th, I decided to blog each day of this month and at least post the name of the song I sang before getting out of bed. Hopefully I will also post my thoughts and feelings, tender mercies or service experiences. Later I changed it to blog once a week.}

Song: Lean On My Ample Arm

Talk: "The Gift of Pain" by Derrel Higgins

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