December 06, 2018

Dec 3-7 Four Gifts of the Savior

Song: The Greatest Gift

Talk: What Gifts has the Savior Given You?
1st Presidency Christmas Devotiona     President Russell M. Nelson

Indeed, our desires influence each of us in profound ways, not just here and now but beyond,” he said.
Desire is important in this season of gift giving, when we are particularly mindful of the desires of those whom we love, added President Nelson, inviting Latter-day Saints to also consider their own desires this Christmas season.
“What are your deepest desires? What do you really want to experience and accomplish in this life? Do you really want to become more and more like Jesus Christ? Do you really want to live with Heavenly Father and with your family forever and live as He lives?
“If you do, you will want to accept many gifts offered by the Lord to help you and me during our time of mortal probation.”

First, Jesus Christ gives the unlimited capacity to love.
Second, the Savior offers the ability to forgive. 
Third, the Savior gives the gift of repentance. 
Fourth, is the promise of life everlasting.

President Nelson said the four unique gifts will bring Latter-day Saints more and more joy as they accept them. “They were made possible,” he said, “because Jehovah condescended to come to earth as the baby Jesus. He was born of an immortal Father and a mortal mother. He was born in Bethlehem under the most humble of circumstances. His was the holy birth foreseen by prophets since the days of Adam. Jesus Christ is God’s transcendent gift—the gift of the Father to all of His children. That birth we joyfully celebrate each Christmas season.

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