May 21, 2018

Men Are That They MIght Have Joy - May 21-27

Image result for men are that they might have joy
Song: Men Are That They Might Have Joy

Talk: Men Are That They Might Have Joy by Susan Ward

Ponder This:
How we feel inside is important. How we feel guides our thoughts and actions. The scriptures teach us how our Heavenly Father would like us to feel inside: "Men are that they might have joy."

There have been times in my life when I have felt joy. In fact, I can say that I spend most of my time feeling happy inside, and I hope that you do also. However, there have been times in my life when I recognized that joy was missing. In these times, I have pondered, "Why am I unable to feel joy?"

As I have considered this question, I have realized that I can trace the source of my unhappiness to one of three areas: area number one, what I call the "mortal condition"; area number two, my own poor choices; and area number three, the poor choices of those close to me.

In my own personal journey, gratitude, forgiveness, patience, and a godly perspective are some of the traits that have enabled me to feel joy amid turmoil.

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