February 26, 2018

Lord, Is it I ? ( February 26-March 4)

Song: Improve the Shinning Moments
click here for LDS interactive music or  watch video below by Madison Barton

Talk: Lord Is It I ?

click here for similar talk by Robert L. Wahlquist

 "Lord, is it I? Do I need be better at praying in the morning?" 
Consistently say your morning prayers
Find a place and a way to say your personal prayers out loud
Pray using Thee, Thou, Thy, and Thine

"Lord, is it I? Do I need to be more consistent at reading the scriptures every day? Do I need to feed my spirit as well (or perhaps better) than I feed my body?"
Read every day
Read at the same time
Before you read, make sure you pray 

"Lord, is it I? Do I need to be better at keeping the world out of my Sabbath worship? Do I need to work harder to stay focused on the Savior during sacrament meeting?" 

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