February 26, 2018

Lord, Is it I ? ( February 26-March 4)

Song: Improve the Shinning Moments
click here for LDS interactive music or  watch video below by Madison Barton

Talk: Lord Is It I ?

click here for similar talk by Robert L. Wahlquist

 "Lord, is it I? Do I need be better at praying in the morning?" 
Consistently say your morning prayers
Find a place and a way to say your personal prayers out loud
Pray using Thee, Thou, Thy, and Thine

"Lord, is it I? Do I need to be more consistent at reading the scriptures every day? Do I need to feed my spirit as well (or perhaps better) than I feed my body?"
Read every day
Read at the same time
Before you read, make sure you pray 

"Lord, is it I? Do I need to be better at keeping the world out of my Sabbath worship? Do I need to work harder to stay focused on the Savior during sacrament meeting?" 

February 19, 2018

Feb 19-25 For the Joy of Human Love

Song: For the Beauty of the Earth
click here for Mormon Tabernacle choir version or watch the song sung by Paya Lebar Methodist Girls' School below:

Talk: For the Joy of Human Love by Bruce C. Hafen
click hear  or watch the video below
click here for the text

Consider this: 
Now what must you DO to make your family dreams become a reality? Someone once said that a vision without work is dreaming, and work without a vision is drudgery. But vision and work together bring joy and fulfillment. Some young Latter-day Saints may believe in the vision of a happy eternal family, but they aren't willing to do the work and pay the price to fulfill the dream. Without the heavy lifting-the work--of preparation and obedience, even a wondrous vision of a celestial family is just dreaming.

Today I made something fun out of one of God's beauties of the earth SNOW. We have been needing snow all winter and yesterday it finally arrived. Here is my 1st 2018 snow creation made with love for my neighborhood's enjoyment.

February 11, 2018

Be a Valentine & Remember Who You Are this week! (February 12-18)

Song: Walk Tall You Are a Daughter of God
click here for music played by strings & flute or watch below for music video with words

Talk: Value Beyond Measure by Joy D Jones
click here to read the talk or watch below

These words touched by soul: Let me point out the need to differentiate
between two critical words: worth and worthiness. They are not the same. Spiritual worth means to value ourselves the way Heavenly Father values us, not as the world values us.
Our worth was determined before we ever came to this earth. “God’s love is infinite and it will endure forever.” 
On the other hand, worthiness is achieved through obedience. If we sin, we are less worthy, but we are never worth less! We continue to repent and strive to be like Jesus with our worth intact. As President Brigham Young taught: “The least, the most inferior
spirit now upon the earth . . . is worth worlds.”  No matter what, we always have worth in the eyes of our Heavenly
Despite this marvelous truth, how many of us struggle, from time to time, with negative thoughts or feelings about ourselves? I do. It’s an easy trap. Satan is the father of all lies, especially when it comes to misrepresentations about our own divine nature and purpose.
Thinking small about ourselves does not serve us well. Instead it holds us back. As we’ve often been taught, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”  We can stop comparing our worst to someone else’s best. “Comparison is the thief of joy.”  In contrast, the Lord assures us that when we have virtuous thoughts, He will bless us with confidence, even the confidence to know who we really are. 

February 05, 2018

February 5-11

Day 1 - Monday
Song: pg (172) Hymns In Humility
watch & listen to a lovely video below or click here for music and words

BYUI Speech: How Can These Things Be? by Richard Clifford
  click here to watch video click here to read the talk

There are distinct fruits of spiritual vulnerability. These may include:
       Increased gratitude
       Confidence that leads to whole-hearted obedience and service
       Increased desire to willfully repent
       Increased empathy and charity for others.
       An increased wonder in the Atonement of Christ.

These will help you be spiritually vulnerable:
1.   Commune with God with real intent.
2.   Be fully present.
3.   Have courage to be imperfect

Day 2 - Tuesday
 Talk: Beware of Pride by Ezra Taft Benson read by Gordon B. Hinkley
watch below or click here to read the talk

Consider this:
"Another face of pride is contention. Arguments, fights, unrighteous dominion, generation gaps, divorces, spouse abuse, riots, and disturbances all fall into this category of pride.

Contention in our families drives the Spirit of the Lord away. It also drives many of our family members away. Contention ranges from a hostile spoken word to worldwide conflicts. The scriptures tell us that “only by pride cometh contention.” (Prov. 13:10; see also Prov. 28:25.)

The scriptures testify that the proud are easily offended and hold grudges. (See 1 Ne. 16:1–3.) They withhold forgiveness to keep another in their debt and to justify their injured feelings.

The proud do not receive counsel or correction easily. (See Prov. 15:10; Amos 5:10.) Defensiveness is used by them to justify and rationalize their frailties and failures. (See Matt. 3:9; John 6:30–59.)"

Day 3 - Wednesday
Talk: The Empowerment of Humility by Richard C. Edgely
 click here to read the talk or watch below

Think on This:
Humbly submitting our will to the Father brings us the empowerment of God—the power of humility. It is the power to meet life’s adversities, the power of peace, the power of hope, the power of a heart throbbing with a love for and testimony of the Savior Jesus Christ, even the power of redemption. To this end, the Savior is our supreme example of the power of humility and submissiveness. After all, His submitting His will to the Father brought about the greatest, and even the most powerful, event in all of history. Perhaps some of the most sacred words in all the scriptures are simply, “Not my will, but thine, be done” (Luke 22:42).

Day 4 Thursday
Talk: To Walk Humbly With Thy God by Marlin K Jensen 
click here to read the talk or watch below

Day 5 Friday
Talk: A Humble and a Contrite Heart by Gordon B. Hinkley
click here to read the talk or watch below

Think on this:  Let us lower our voices in our homes. Let love abound and find expression in our actions. May we walk the quiet ways of the Lord, and may prosperity crown our labors.

Day 6 & 7
Review the talks and thoughts above.
It is a great challenge for me to do this blog every day. I find myself spending more time on the blog than being humble. Next week I will choose a song and one talk to help me become more like the Savior.