Talk: School Thy Feelings O My Brother by Thomas S Monson
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Many years ago I read the following Associated Press dispatch which appeared in the newspaper: An elderly man disclosed at the funeral of his brother, with whom he had shared, from early manhood, a small, one-room cabin near Canisteo, New York, that following a quarrel, they had divided the room in half with a chalk line, and neither had crossed the line or spoken a word to the other since that day—62 years before. Just think of the consequence of that anger. What a tragedy!
May we make a conscious decision, each time such a decision must be made, to refrain from anger and to leave unsaid the harsh and hurtful things we may be tempted to say.
Twenty things we should say more often: click here or watch below
This has been an awesome experience to begin each day with a song. However next month I will choose one song for a week and try to better at bring the light of the gospel into my home by focus on one principle each week instead of each day.
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