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Elder Richard G Scott taught this eternal truth: "True
enduring happiness with the accompanying strength, courage, and capacity to overcome the most challenging difficulties comes from a life centered in Jesus Christ...There is no guarantee of overnight results, but there is absolute assurance that, in the Lord's time, solutions will come, peace will prevail and emptiness will be filled."
Tender Mercies:
When I was Relief Society President often I would wake early from an perplexing dream or night mare. After praying and going about my day I would be impressed to call a sister and ask after their day. Usually that person or someone they knew needed the help. Sometimes just from me but more often from others. So more phone calls or a visit to got them the help they needed. This morning I awoke with the same feelings. However, I believe the one needing help was me. The day may provide me the opportunity to help someone in need and in turn I can see my problems become less overpowering. Oh, how I need the Lord!
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