January 18, 2018

January 18

Song: Love One Another click here
Image result for love one another jesus washing feet lds 

Message:    "A Doorway Called Love" by Thomas S. Monson in 1987 Click here
Robert Woodruff, an executive in a former generation, traversed America with a message which he delivered to civic and business groups. The outline was simple, the message brief:
 The five most important words are these: I am proud of you.
 The four most important words are these: What is your opinion?
 The three most important words are these: If you please.
 The two most important words are these: Thank you.
 To Mr. Woodruff’s list I would add, “The single most important word is love.” 

Song: Love Makes The World Go 'Round Click her
  Image result for love makes the world go round image

Go and do:  Check out the Just Serve website and volunteer.  Click here 
Image result for love make the world go round quote


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