November 10, 2013

Pheasants and Ducks

November 9, 2013


     Today I acted WAY outside my comfort zone.  When I went to bed I felt content, really happy and thankful to Father in Heaven for allowing me to spend time with two of his wonderful children, Christina Blanchard and Luke Shumway. Christina has a beautiful smile and peaceful manner. Luke is full of energy, so very talented, excited to learn and do things.

     I helped Christina with one of her Young Women’s values-Knowledge.  She came over and I taught her how to make a baby quilt with duck fabric and stripes on the ends. You should have seen her joy with the finished product!  The biggest smile ever as she showed it to Rick.

     After quilting we went over to see Sally and children and take them out for ice cream.  But I didn’t go for ice cream and neither did Luke.  Luke is helping a man raise pheasants.  One of the pheasants was injured so Luke was asked to wring its neck so it wouldn’t suffer.  He brought it home. Therefore, he had a bird he wanted to learn how to clean and cook.  Sally, Andy and Rick were not willing to teach Luke. I had never done it before but knowing the basics I volunteered to do it with him. We had such an experience! The smell was bad as we cut him open to gut and clean. Luke was squeamish it first but finally got into it with both hands.  He loved saving the feet (spurs were cool to him) wings and tail.  We both thought he head was soooooooooooo beautiful!  We learned that you don’t have to pluck a pheasant. The feathers come off with the skin when you pull it. After cleaning I taught him how to cut and cook it.  He made fries too.  We served everyone dinner and you have never seen such a proud 13 year old boy in your life.

     I am grateful for being able to share these experiences and happy that I went out of my comfort zone to do things I have never done before. I am grateful for the little knowledge I have about many things. I am thankful for the talents Heavenly Father sent me to earth with. I feel content.

P.S. To top the day off Luke played the tuba and we all sang with him. The song was: All Creatures of Our Lord and King. Another wonderful moment in time that felt much longer than a single moment!


  1. Now that, Pat, is a wonderful memory to last for the eternities! You are fantastic! So gifted! So willing and able to share your time and talents and knowledge and wise to do so at the perfect timing!


    I am so happy to hear this! Thanks for sharing!

  2. How wonderful you are. You mean so much to so many of us. Thanks for sharing with me. oxoxoxoxoxo Kaye

  3. Oh my goodness. Those are such good moments. You really did a good job teaching both of those things. But I like the pheasant story the best. I can picture you doing that!


  4. That is really cool that you guys got to do the whole Pheasant thing. I think it is so cool to remind kids (and myself) that animals don't grow in the grocery store. There is work that needs to be done and it gives us respect for the animal, and helps us to be in touch with the earth. Great job mom for helping him, and experiencing that with Luke!
