October 13, 2013

2014 Fall Colors

Rick and I took our bikes up Logan canyon on Saturday October 11.  The colors are pretty but not spectacular this year.  We rode up to Camp Lomia where we camped twice with our children when they we living at home.  It brought back a flood of good memories.  We had Memorial Day Games there 2 times.  Once we were rained out and the other we had my Dad, Brevan and his mother Renee join us. Shooting guns and bows and arrows were the favorite events. I also remember having a Stake Family Home evening and camp out there to celebrate the 24th of July. Nick, is the the place where you got your foot smashed by a big boulder?


  1. I still have beautiful fall pics when you and Rick took me with you to see the Porcupine Dam area. It's the first and only time I've been there.

    Great memories.


  2. I don't remember getting my foot smashed. BUt I do remember lot's of fun. I'm glad you're still blogging I haven't stopped by for a while. THe canyon looks so beautiful. It might not be spectacular to you but that is just because you are spoiled :) I'm glad you and dad are getting out and doing fun stuff together!

  3. Great photo. You really have a talent!!
