February 25, 2013

Is it a stalagmite or stalactite?

This is not something you see very often.  
It is an icicle hanging from our neighbor's roof.
We've had snow, cold, snow, cold, melting, and cold again, 
hence we'd had lots of icicles this year.
Isn't this a beautiful photo taken on this sunny day?


  1. Way funny, Pat! Thanks for the lightheartedness is the face of "way too cold for way too long" drama.

  2. Wow!!!

    I have one almost as long but not as wide off front gutter. Amazing this yr.

  3. wow that is amazing! fun to see!

  4. Wow just wow! I could not believe my eyes when I saw that!! It's It's.....HUGE!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much for emailing me G-ma! Write to me soon!!

    Love, Lily

  5. PatI could say we have hd snow , lots of snow, but I cant dake picturesof it. It also built up 3 feet to four feet on the patio from wind .I had to shovel off layers at a time. But as they say alls well thatends well.I love you dad
