February 25, 2013

Is it a stalagmite or stalactite?

This is not something you see very often.  
It is an icicle hanging from our neighbor's roof.
We've had snow, cold, snow, cold, melting, and cold again, 
hence we'd had lots of icicles this year.
Isn't this a beautiful photo taken on this sunny day?

February 18, 2013

My 4 Generation Pedigree Chart with Photos

I finally had the time and inclination to put my mothers work into an updated format.  Here is my 4 generation pedigree chart.  I hope to continue on with the additional photos and information. I hope you enjoy...feel free to download and keep a copy.  xoxo Pat

(If there are any mistakes they are mine. My Mom kept excellent and accurate records.)

February 13, 2013

Three Unique Quilts

 Well, I tried my hand and some pieced quilts.  I just wanted to get rid of some scraps I had around.
 It's not worth all the work to just give away, so 
I'll hang on to them for awhile and give them so someone really special. 
Tell me what you think!