October 27, 2012

Six New Quilts

This make a total of 100 quilts made in 2012. Seventy-five have been given away.
Two given today at the Relief Society Super Saturday- drawing prizes.
The falls colors one (bottom left) is calling to me and I may have to keep that one.


  1. Pat, you are so awesome to do this and they are so beautiful.

    I am not looking forward to winter. It is much harder to fight "the blues." I am hoping that indexing and genealogy will help me. I am also doing a quilt and doll clothes for the humanitarian center.

    I worked really hard on my flower garden this fall. I harvested so many rocks. If only I could harvest that many flowers or tomatoes.

  2. ha ha ha! ok g-ma you can keep it. Wow! 100 quilts. that is amazing!
