March 23, 2012

10 weeks of pottery class over

Well, my pottery class is over and I learned a lot. I even tried my hand a two types of clay together to make a marbled effect. I like the way my bowls turned out except for the pottery that was all dark clay. They didn't take the glaze color very well so the colors aren't as vibrant. Enjoy looking! Family members can make a request for a particular piece and they MAY get the one they want. Rick get first pick.

marbled pottery:  bowl, vase, small dish

shades of blue pottery: candel holder, casserole dish, 2 bowls, 4 necklace beads

shades of tan pottery: 3 bowls, vase, 4 christmas tree stars


  1. Darned good stuff, I'd say. Way to go!

  2. Jqsmine bailey-BarfussFriday, 23 March, 2012

    Holy COW they are AMAZING!!!

  3. BEAUTIFUL! Thanks for sharing

  4. Pat, your pottery is beautiful. I won't dibs on any because i still have a few pitiful pieces from my first attempt.
    Sending a comment on your blog got too complicated.
    Will we be seeing you back at Atheneum?

    I envy you your trips, but I shouldn't, when I think back to the marvelous ones I have had--much more than I had ever dreamed of.

    Much love. Marge

  5. Pat... I love,
    1. The marbled small dish, because of the pattern that will show when I look at it, and I'll probably keep it out in the living room - filled with candy for the grandkids.
    2. The blue casserole dish, because of the size and edges. I'll use it as a decorative piece in my living room, to look at and show off to others.
    3. Several of the cereal bowls look great - all for the same reason...because I could think of you when I eat from it.

    I'm requesting you send me whatever you wish and whatever works out for you with all the requests you'll be getting!

    Love your pottery....

  6. Beautiful work!!

  7. Just lovely!!! I love the marbled pieces! You can be very proud of your work!

  8. I love the pottery that you made. Beautiful and thanks for letting me see it. It was fun to see you yesterday out walking.


  9. Wow Pat,

    You are very talented. I hope that you continue with your classes. I hope to see some of your work in person, soon.

