March 23, 2012

10 weeks of pottery class over

Well, my pottery class is over and I learned a lot. I even tried my hand a two types of clay together to make a marbled effect. I like the way my bowls turned out except for the pottery that was all dark clay. They didn't take the glaze color very well so the colors aren't as vibrant. Enjoy looking! Family members can make a request for a particular piece and they MAY get the one they want. Rick get first pick.

marbled pottery:  bowl, vase, small dish

shades of blue pottery: candel holder, casserole dish, 2 bowls, 4 necklace beads

shades of tan pottery: 3 bowls, vase, 4 christmas tree stars

March 22, 2012

View Gma and grandkids.JPG in slide show  View Dinosaur Sue.JPG in slide show
Grandma and 5 of the Shumway children at the dinosaur display at the museum in Idaho Falls.

March 21, 2012

More quilts

I made 26 more quilts. 
Gave away 8 to Sally's family and 3 to Rebbecca Hume's children. (I visit teacher her.)
Now, I plan to give the rest to CAPSA.
I got to spend last week in Idaho Falls visiting with Sally and Family. While there we celebrated Samuel's 1st birthday. Also this month Sally and Andy have birthdays. So the whole week was one big party.

Paul and Samuel

Telly-a-tubby cake

Andy and kids

Sally and kids

March 01, 2012


Hello Family,
Thank you so much for sending your words about Rick. He was very overwhelmed with your love. He cried happy tears and it worked wonders with his attitude.
This photo was not spontaneous as I had planned (my camera was out of batteries) so he had to pose...the look says "I can't believe I am that loved."
Thank-you again.
Love, Pat/ Mom/G-ma