October 30, 2011

Family photographs from my Halloween party

We had great fun at our annual Halloween Party. This year each family DID NOT follow a theme. Too busy with life and moving to "get it together." I was so happy to have Max, Brigitte, and Sally wear some of the costumes I had made in previous years.  I am grateful for the fun we have together. Sally and family have moved to Idaho Falls, Idaho. Nick and family are moving to San Bruno, California.  So, this might be our last Halloween together.  Luckily Max and family are staying here.  With Brigitte's mom passing we hope to spend more time with them.  We made masks to go with our costumes and I will post them later. Hope you have a happy Halloween tomorrow. 
xoxo Pat
Here are Max, Brigitte, Mason and Natalie
Here are Nick, Isis, and Phoenix.

Here are Sally, Luke, Lily, Mabel, Nell, Paul and Samuel.


  1. How neat for all of your kids and their families to dress up. They all look so darling. Cute costumes. Thanks for
    sharing. I love to see.


  2. Jasmine Bailey-BarfussTuesday, 01 November, 2011

    oooo can I have some more of these? Any cute closeups of wonder woman??

  3. Oh my, so much happening in your family. I didn't know Sally and family moved. Did Andrew get a better job? I am sure they will miss having you near to help with the children. I am also sorry to hear Nick and family are moving to California. That is too far away. I was surprised and sorry to hear about Brigitte's mom. I didn't even know she was ill - last I saw her she was working at Wal-Mart. Life is so fragile. Take care my friend and thanks for sharing the darling photos -- what a special family you have!
    Love, Jona
