May 12, 2011

Baby Quilt

Spring has finally arrived.  Along with it my energy is back too!  Here is a quilt I made for Samuel.

My arm is healing nicely and I'll go back to work in 1 week. 

A week later Rick will return from his training in California.

Will everyone please pray for Nick, so he doesn't move permanently to the San Fransisco area. He is there for two months to see if they can afford to live there.


  1. Hi Pat – always fun to hear from you. Love your cute little boy baby quilt. I told Harley not to throw away any of his old worn out missionary suits but to give them to me. Wouldn’t it be fun to make a baby quilt out of them? That is if they have a little boy in the future. Their one year anniversary is this Sunday – wow - that went by quickly. I was surprised how difficult it was for me through the transition to an empty nester. It was probably due to the hormone roller coaster while hitting menopause at the same time. I’m too glad for the beautiful spring weather – it lifts my mental state as does the extended daylight hours. Your tulips are cherry – just as you are. Love you -- Shelly

  2. What a great quilt. Good for you ! ! ! Thanx for the pix. I'm glad you're feeling better now. oxoxoxoxo Kaye

  3. PatYour baby quilt was beautiful! I did not know you went ahead and had your surgery. I was in a hurry Sunday to go to my daughter's ward. She taught the lesson and wanted me to come for Mother's day.I'm glad you are healing. Did they say it was not cancerous or dangerous in any way? Enjoy your time off work.You deserve it! See you Sunday.....Sandy

  4. Beautiful quilt and tulips!

  5. You always have so much energy and are doing so many things! Wish I had your motivation!!!! Hope things are going well! We will be in Idaho the end of June and thru July so I hope to see you!!!!!
