December 23, 2010

Christmas Pizza Party

Rick and I drove up to Idaho Falls before Christmas. While we were up there we had his annual Christmas Pizza Party at Pizza Hut. They opened our presents to them, so I could see their faces. Dad got a cookbook with Isis's art work. He Sat down and started looking at it right away. He loved it! Kaye got a painting called "Joy" done by Jasmine. She was so happy she had to put it on the floor by the tree so she could keep looking at it. For me it was a very wonderful trip. We had a great time being together, we even put together a puzzle,,,Dad was able to put in the last two pieces (with a little help) I saw dad crying his happy cry several time during the visit.Wish all the family had been there. xoxo Pat


  1. It is sooooo good seeing our art find happy homes!! So good! xoxox

  2. I wish I could have been there, too. Sounds and looks like fun.
