January 03, 2010

2nd family of Christmas

This was a new visit for us. It is the first time Sally and Andy have stayed home for Christmas. So, we got to spend ALL Christmas Eve day and evening with them. Luke, Mabel and Nell had just recovered from the flu and Lily and Paul were just starting to get it. But we all "faced our fears" and did what we had planned. We headed out with sleds to find a good hill. We ended up at the new park at the AVA building and had great fun!

After our fun in the snow we came home, had hot chocolate and sandwiches, and played games ALL afternoon.

Finally, Andy got home from work and we had a fancy dinner of: chicken cordon blue, chessey potatoes, corn on the cob and for desert Ule log (cake and ice cream rolled together). Sally had asked for new dishes as her present. So she opened it early and was so delighted. We surprised her with goblets too!
Sally has been teaching the children piano lesson. So, we had a fantastic recital. Each one played 2 or 3 songs. I was impressed with their skills!

Next, Andrew read the Nativity story from the New Testament and the rest of the family acted it out. (some of these photos were staged because I was in it too!)

The last event before bedtime was opening one present...and surprise each received new pj's.Merry Christmas to all and to all a good-night!

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