June 30, 2009

My Scotland home!

What an awesome experience. We've spent 3 days in Glasgow and now are in Arbroath, Scotland. I've been wading in the North Sea and tomorrow we will go to an Abbey and the cliffs. While we are here we have 3 meals a day. Lots of history and opportunities to to take beautiful photographs. I have a room to myself while here then share 3 to a room in the Orkney Islands and Glasgow. Thinking of all my family and friends and wish you could be here to see and feel what I am seeing and feeling. photo# 1 my room looking at the windows; photo#2 my windows from the outside; photo #3 looking out my windows. Love to all, Pat


  1. Pat. I don't know what to say, I'm so surprised and delighted. Scotland is a very special place. My son Jim took me to Scotland several years ago, when he was not tied down, and we had a thoroughly marvelous time. Jim is an enjoyer.

    This summer he is tied down, and I am going to visit him in Juneau in
    Sept. I love his wife.

    Thanks for the wonderful pictures. Love, Marge

  2. Hey That sounds wonderful, Have a fantastic time
    can't wait to see photos when your back

  3. Hey That sounds wonderful, Have a fantastic time
    can't wait to see photos when your back

  4. I'm officially jealous!!! Glad you are having a great time! I will look forward to seeing some pictures when you get back!!!!"

  5. I'm so happy that you are having a good time! I long to go to Scotland, I look forward to going there in about 5 years. I'm in Garland, we will be here through the 8th. I stopped by the area agency on aging and visited with Linda, Michelle, and Melissa, it was very nice. Talk to you again soon. Michelle

  6. OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I am so jealous!! Your room is BEAUTIFUL!! Have fun (as I know you will) Thanks for the email. I so enjoyed hearing from you. How is everything going? How long are you there for?

  7. vivieene BaileyFriday, 03 July, 2009

    At least it's not snowing! Steve and I visited Scotland in summer and nearly froze. We ate some of the worst food I've ever experienced too. But we still loved it and got some interesting genealogy information.

    Have a lovely time


  8. aja Strohm Peck commented on your status: "Well Pat do not have to much beer. it just might go to your head.Ha, ha Have a wonderful time and enjoy your trip. I am glad that you are on face book.I like it a lot."
