February 24, 2009


We are having a very unusual winter...two days of rain now and the snow on the ground has turned to ice. I work on the playground every morning and the kids love it. Here is a poem I wrote when I was a kid. Just added a background. Enjoy!

February 22, 2009

February 16, 2009

2009 Calendar

(Sorry I haven't posted anything lately...I've been trying to make "facebook" work for me....it just doesn't seem to be my thing so I'll probably stick with e-mail and this blog.)

Judy and I got to spend 5 days together in Omaha in January. We decided to take a few photographs of us in simular "outfits." Then we got the idea to make a calendar...so I came home and put my creativity to work and here is the results (photos only). It is just for fun and hope you like them!