September 28, 2008

Isis and Fifi by Isis

Here is a drawing (16x20 canvas) done by Isis (7 years old) and painted by his mother (Jasmine). I have in hanging in my diningroom and will get to have it there until their house in Australia sells (closing date Dec. 3) It is made from acrilic paints and scrapbooking supplies. Awesome? yes!

September 23, 2008

Paul Ricky Shumway

Saturday, September 20, 2008 my daughter Sally gave birth to a son at around 11:00 am at her home. She was assisted by a mid-with and assistant, husband (Andy), and a friend. They named him Paul Ricky Shumway, He weighted 7lbs. 9 oz. and was 21 inched long. He and mother are both doing well and we are so happy to have him join our family. (The hands in the photo are: bottom of photo mothers, hands and this head fathers.) (Photo take by Jasmine Bailey-Barfuss)

His brother look said, "My nine months of praying worked. I finally got a brother."

His sisters Lily, Mable and Nell are just happy to have a baby.

September 08, 2008

September 6, 2008-Wonderful Day!

Today (September 6, 2008) Luke was baptised and confirmed by his father, Andrew Laron Shumway. The font in the Stake Center didn't fill so the time was changed from 10:30 to 3:00 and the location move to the Logan Tabernacle. So everyone had to change their plans. But most everyone showed up with thier love and support.

In attendance were his Shumway and Barfuss family members and Ward and Stake leaders. The Primary President and Second Counselor (Sister Lund and Sister Thomas) of 29th Ward were there with big smiles. Both sets of grandparents attended and Great-grandma Shumway and Great-grandpa & Great grandma Baugh were there too. All the Barfuss cousin came. Of course, there were more people but I'm having a hard time remembering all the names.

We had a lunch in the park and then went to the Tabernacle for the baptism and confirmation.